Yes, the device has integrated OpenVG Graphics Accelerator (GFX2D) is an embedded processor targeting the OpenVG 1.1 graphics API and feature set.
Hi, David Tosenovjan.
MPC5645sRM is not enough about OpenVG to be used, and i cann't search example code even any application note.
I will try to find out which kind of libraries is supposed to be used as it is not too clear to me to be honest. RM does not explain this module in detail, it is apparently not supposed that user would write the code from scratch. I will let you know.
Thanks! have a good news?
DCU drivers can be shared to customer as per NDA basis.
Disclaimer: We have not tested the drivers sufficiently to say that they are production quality. Customer needs to own the responsibility to test them sufficiently.
GPU drivers can be shared to customer as per NDA. We support OpenVG drivers and EGL drivers.
Adobe Illustrator could be used for developing SVG graphics for OpenVG.
To encode the graphics as per the requirements of DCU we have below tools
1) Image-encoder tool
2) font-encoder tool