we plan to buy a MPC5775E 3-phase PMSM Development Kit
I got some design documents below:
Question1: Can NXP provide the mechanical and electrical datasheet of the PMSM? (not the power board, but the machine)
Question2: Would NXP sell the Power-Board separately as spare part. I have worry about the power board would be easily damaged by the development that we can easily change it with spare part without long time HW debugging
best regards
Question1: Can NXP provide the mechanical and electrical datasheet of the PMSM? (not the power board, but the machine)
No, we are outsourcing the motors from TG drives.
Motor is TGT2-0032-30-24/T0PS1K-1M (0.32Nm, 30V, 0.094 kW, 3000 rpm, 5.2A)
Question2: Would NXP sell the Power-Board separately as spare part. I have worry about the power board would be easily damaged by the development that we can easily change it with spare part without long time HW debugging
No, we do not sell it separately. Only controller card can be bought separately, but power board is sold only as whole kit.
thanks for quick feedback, but I am confused
the machine type shall be TGN2-0054-30-36
But you give another type number in you feedback. Which one is the correct?