I was trying to run an ethernet example for the MPC5748G, but when I start compiling the following error shows up:
The file is, indeed, not included in the project and also nowhere in the project folder.
The example project (https://community.nxp.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/629570-1-376197/mpc5748g-ethernet-LWIP-udp.ra... )I used is written by Yue Li (MPC5748G ENET ) and is a port of lwIP.
Has anyone encountered this error before ?
I would appreciate any kind of suggestion.
I am running S32 Studio for PA 2017.R1 ,how do I add?
Hi Stefan,
which version of S32 Design Studio you use? Version 1.0 or version 1.1?
I have already tried the project you shared (https://community.nxp.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/11363-386434-629570-376197/mpc5748g-ethernet-... ) and I am able to compile in S32 Design Studio. Only problem was with with path include in system path. Instead of include there was some another absolute path, which causes error during compilation.
Maybe there is similar problem in your case. Try to look for project paths and change absolute paths to relative ones.
Especially, if you have another path to S32DS installation folder than C:/Freescale/S32_v1.0...etc, you have to change this include to correct path. Also if you have S32DS version 1.1, path to e200_ewl2 will be little different. So please check and let me now if this was the issue.
Thanks a lot Martin. Adjusting the paths solved my issue.
I am running S32 Studio version 1.1, so the absolute paths as well as the paths to the libraries were different.
I want to add, that lib_ewl.prefix is not included in any .c or .h file in the project, which makes me think that it's a error of the compiler itself. I'm working with a S32 Design Studio for Power with standard toolchain configuration.