Can someone provide piece of code of CAN init and sending can msg after successfull BAM procedure. I have MPC 5674F chip. Currently i am trying something like that, but doest send anything via CAN:
int main(void) {
//disable core watchdog
li r6,0;
mtspr 430, r6;
SIU.PCR[83].R = 0x062C; /* MPC555x: Configure pad as CNTXA, open drain */
SIU.PCR[84].R = 0x0500; /* MPC555x: Configure pad as CNRXA */
CAN_A.MCR.R = 0x0000003F;
CAN_A.BUF[0].CS.B.IDE = 0; /* Use standard ID length */
CAN_A.BUF[0].CS.B.RTR = 0; /* Data frame, not remote Tx request frame */
CAN_A.BUF[0].CS.B.LENGTH = 8; /* # bytes to transmit w/o null */
CAN_A.BUF[0].ID.B.STD_ID = 0x555; /* Transmit ID is 555 */
CAN_A.BUF[0].DATA.W[0] = *((int*)0x0); //example data taken from beginning of flash area
CAN_A.BUF[0].DATA.W[1] = *((int*)0x4); //example data
CAN_A.BUF[0].CS.B.SRR = 1; /* Tx frame (not req'd for standard frame)*/
CAN_A.BUF[0].CS.B.CODE = 0xC; /* Activate msg. buf. to transmit data frame */
/* Loop forever */
for (;;) {
works now, thank You!!