Hi! I am trying to enable several Peripheral Clocks following some SDK examples (s32ds+MPC5748G), and got stuck in the clock configuration. I can't enable DMA0_CLK in DRUN mode in PE clockMan. It shows "Configure clock gating. Enables/Disables modules in the specified Power mode". But I don't know how. Could someone please help? Thanks!
DMA clock cannot be gated off.
You can refer to MC_ME_PCTLx registers in MC_ME memory map within device Reference Manual to know which modules allow this.
BR, Petr
Hi Petr, Thanks for your help! I briefly read MC_ME in RM Chapter 38, but still don't know how to proceed.
I am trying to create a new project following the SDK lwip_MPC5748G example. In this SDK example, clockman/DRUN configuration, DMA0_CLK is enabled (grayed) at 80MHz, ENET0_CLK is ENET_RMII 50MHz. But I can't make the same clockMan configuration in my created project. My created project can be built without errors, but DEVKit board can't be pinged. I attached my created project. Could you please help? Thank a lot!