Build error when compiling MTRCKTSPS5744P_S32DS demo code

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Build error when compiling MTRCKTSPS5744P_S32DS demo code

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Contributor II


I am working with an NXP MPC5744P dev kit and was following the steps listed on the Getting Started and Quick Start guides listed on this page, but when compiling the code, the makefile returns Error 1. Here is the exact error message:

Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [makefile:62: MTRCKTSPS5744P_S32DS.elf] Error 1 MTRCKTSPS5744P_S32DS C/C++ Problem

There are also 37 warnings with the project, and I assume they have something to do with the error. I have attached a screenshot of all the warnings to this post.

I would also like to stress that I have not modified the demo code in any way, apart from linking the AMMCLIB which was incorrectly linked to begin with.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I am not familiar with the code, but generally speaking:

Make exits with an error if any command it executes exits with an error.

Since your program is exiting with a code of 1, make sees that as an error, and then returns the same error itself.


So I guess your main() is not returning 0 and therefore you have this error. Or it can be error in makefile itself.


Best regards,


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