After the LIN module of MPC5644C was set to UART mode,which bits on the register we can depend on to detect we have received a character string?

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After the LIN module of MPC5644C was set to UART mode,which bits on the register we can depend on to detect we have received a character string?

Contributor II


After the LIN module of MPC5644C was set to UART mode,which bits on the register we can depend on to detect we have  received a character string? It's function was same as the IDLE bits on SCIxS1 register of MS9S08DZ60.  

It's decribed as follows:

Idle Line Flag — IDLE is set when the SCI receive line becomes idle for a full character time after a period of activity. When ILT = 0, the receiver starts counting idle bit times after the start bit. So if the receive character is all 1s, these bit times and the stop bit time count toward the full character time of logic high (10 or 11 bit times depending on the M control bit) needed for the receiver to detect an idle line. When ILT = 1, the receiver doesn’t start counting idle bit times until after the stop bit. So the stop bit and any logic high bit times at the end of the previous character do not count toward the full character time of logic high needed for the receiver to detect an idle line.

      To clear IDLE, read SCIxS1 with IDLE = 1 and then read the SCI data register (SCIxD). After IDLE has been cleared, it cannot become set again until after a new character has been received and RDRF has been set. IDLE will get set only once even if the receive line remains idle for an extended period.

      It confused me a lot,i hope professors can help me.that's great If you can give me some example.

      Thanks in advance~

1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


you should use the UARTSR register, see its description in the device Reference Manual.

for the example you can refer to , see uart.c file.

BR, Petr