My question is same as the title.
I am surprised about this. The tflite model size is small at first. But after converting it to model_data.h to use on the board, the model_data.h size is much larger than the original model's size. I do not understand this point. Could you please explain this for me? Thank you.
Hi. Is there any update about this issue?
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, could you let me know what tool are you using?
Best regards,
I am using MCUXpresso IDE.
You can see in the tflm_cifar10 example for MCXN947. I attached 2 files for example. As you can see original tflite model size is 96 Kb. But after converting it model_data.h (because TFlite for microcontroller can no load file), the size is about 500 Kb.