I've read the guide about debugging with j-link on i.MX 8 processors. I've tried this guide but with the iMX93. I've encountered a problem, when I wanted to connect to J-link GDB server application. The "MIMX9352_M33" processor device was missing.
Is it possible, that Segger haven't added the support for this device yet?
Thank you!
Hi @PeterLendvai!
Please check the AN14120, in that we explain how to debug the M core using VS code and Segger J-Link!
Best Regards!
Thank you for the article!
I've tried the u-boot verison, but when I start the M33, the following error message shown in the consol, then the core restarts.
fatload mmc 1:1 80000000 sdk20-app.bin
12048 bytes read in 5 ms (2.3 MiB/s)
=> cp.b 0x80000000 0x201e0000 0x10000
=> bootaux 0x1ffe0000 0
"Synchronous Abort" handler, esr 0x96000006
elr: 0000000080204de8 lr : 0000000080204ef4 (reloc)
elr: 00000000bfef9de8 lr : 00000000bfef9ef4
x0 : 00000000bff943b0 x1 : 000000001ffe0000
x2 : 0000000000000010 x3 : 00000000bdf4901a
x4 : 0000000000000100 x5 : 0000000000000000
x6 : 00000000bff9395f x7 : 0000000000000044
x8 : 0000000000000010 x9 : 00000000d126d112
x10: 0000000000000000 x11: 00000000bdf1b290
x12: 0000000000000000 x13: 0000000000000200
x14: 00000000bdee9970 x15: 0000000000000020
x16: 00000000bfef9e40 x17: 0000000000000000
x18: 00000000bdef4d90 x19: 0000000000000000
x20: 00000000bdf0ab10 x21: 0000000000000003
x22: 00000000bdf0ab10 x23: 0000000000000003
x24: 00000000bffce404 x25: 0000000000000000
x26: 0000000000000000 x27: 0000000000000000
x28: 00000000bdf49050 x29: 00000000bdee8d20
Code: f00004c0 910ec000 a9017bfd 910043fd (b9400422)
Resetting CPU ...
Currently I'm working on an Avnet Smarc MSC SM2S-IMX93 module. Maybe there will be some differences between this and the NXP's evk board.
And I've noticed this:
u-boot=> fatload mmc 1:1 80000000 sdk20-app.bin
u-boot=> cp.b 0x80000000 0x201e0000 0x10000
u-boot=> bootaux 0x1ffe0000 0
Shouldn't the bootaux call the 0x201e0000 address? If I change this, I'll get this text:
# Starting auxiliary core stack = 0x464C457F, pc = 0x00010101...
Thanks for the clarification!
Hi @PeterLendvai!
Yes, you are right the Application note is wrong!
The correct steps are:
=> fatload mmc 1:1 0x80000000 m33_image.bin
=> cp.b 0x80000000 0x201e0000 0x10000
=> bootaux 0x201e0000
The correct steps for that can be found at the Getting Started with the i.MX93 EVK:
I will notify the error to the internal team.
Sorry for the mistake!
Best Regards!
Git commit introducing the limitation:
I saw now that in the imx_bootaux.c the check_in_tcm function is called with mcore_view as hardcoded to true, so the tcml_base_addr is never evaluated.
Can you provide some info related with this mcore_view flag?
I understand the correction and also agree that is the correct address to use with bootaux.
For some reason my bootaux gives this info:
Error: Image's address 0x201e0000 is invalid
Address should be memory from M core view,
For example: 0x1ffe0000 for TCML in secure
Any idea on why u-boot is not considering it as a valid address?
Dear @Chavira !
I've successfully built the Hello World project, and I was able to start the m33 core from u-boot.
After that I've tried to attach my segger j-link in VsCode, but I always get the following:
"Unable to start debugging. No process is associated with this object"
And my carrier board restarts.
What am I missing?
I'm hitting a very similar issue. I'm using VSCode with a i.MX 1170 EVK and also get the "Unable to start debugging. No process is associated with this object" error. Is there a patch for that as well?
The error message is pretty generic, but it indicates that something happened to the JLink process. Enabling logging might help narrow down the issue. To enable logging:
1. Go to the "project's directory > .vscode > launch.json" and set "logging": true
2. Start debugging and open "Debug Console" from the bottom pane. Please post all the output from this console here.
Best regards,
This is my launch.json as well for reference.
"configurations": [
"type": "cppdbg",
"name": "Debug project configuration",
"request": "launch",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"MIMode": "gdb",
"setupCommands": [
{"text": "set remotetimeout 600"},
{"text": "set debug-file-directory"}
"program": "",
"miDebuggerServerAddress": "", // Remote GDB server address. If this is provided, "debugServerPath" will not be auto-completed.
"variables": {
"mcuxStopAtSymbol": "main", // Initial breakpoint
"mcuxSerialNumber": "723423158", // Probe serial number. If not specified, the one from the selected debug probe (in extension view) will be used.
"mcuxAttach": "false", // Start debug in attach mode
"mcuxRemoteProbeType": "", // Remote Probe Type ("LinkServer", "SEGGER", "PEmicro") used only when connecting to a remote server
"mcuxSkipBuildWhenDebug": "false" // Skip build when debug
"logging": {
"engineLogging": true
Here is the debug console output.
1: (43) LaunchOptions{"type":"cppdbg","name":"Debug project configuration","request":"launch","cwd":"/Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7","MIMode":"gdb","setupCommands":[{"text":"set remotetimeout 600"},{"text":"set debug-file-directory"}],"program":"/Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/hello_world_demo_cm7.elf","miDebuggerServerAddress":"","variables":{"mcuxStopAtSymbol":"main","mcuxSerialNumber":"723423158","mcuxAttach":"false","mcuxRemoteProbeType":"","mcuxSkipBuildWhenDebug":"false","workspaceFolder":"/Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7","workspaceFolderBasename":"evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7"},"logging":{"engineLogging":true},"__configurationTarget":6,"__mcuxpresso":{"probeType":"SEGGER","gdbStart":2348,"gdb":2348,"semihost":2349,"swo":2350,"gdbPort":2348,"gdbStartPort":2348,"swoPort":2350},"miDebuggerPath":"/Users/danielfudge/.mcuxpressotools/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-darwin-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb","debugServerPath":"/Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V796o/JLinkGDBServerCLExe","serverStarted":"Connected to target","stopAtEntry":true,"svdPath":"/Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/SDK_2_16_000_MIMXRT1170-EVK_ARM-GCC/devices/MIMXRT1176/MIMXRT1176_cm7.xml","unknownBreakpointHandling":"stop","debugServerArgs":"-SettingsFile /Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/JLink_hello_world_demo_cm7.jlink -nosilent -swoport 2350 -singlerun -endian little -noir -speed 4000 -port 2348 -vd -device MIMXRT1176xxxA_M7 -if SWD -halt -reportuseraction -select USB=723423158 ","postRemoteConnectCommands":[{"text":"monitor reset"},{"text":"load"},{"text":"tbreak main"},{"text":"monitor semihosting enable"},{"text":"monitor exec SetRestartOnClose=1"}],"__sessionId":"2eda37d3-2de4-417d-9457-63d7e2a7e3c3"}
1: (117) codeSign-stderr: Executable=/Users/danielfudge/.mcuxpressotools/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-darwin-x86_64-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb
1: (120) Starting: "/Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V796o/JLinkGDBServerCLExe" -SettingsFile /Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/JLink_hello_world_demo_cm7.jlink -nosilent -swoport 2350 -singlerun -endian little -noir -speed 4000 -port 2348 -vd -device MIMXRT1176xxxA_M7 -if SWD -halt -reportuseraction -select USB=723423158
1: (162) ->SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.96o Command Line Version
1: (165) ->
1: (167) ->JLinkARM.dll V7.96o (DLL compiled Jun 26 2024 16:14:20)
1: (167) ->
1: (167) ->Command line: -SettingsFile /Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/JLink_hello_world_demo_cm7.jlink -nosilent -swoport 2350 -singlerun -endian little -noir -speed 4000 -port 2348 -vd -device MIMXRT1176xxxA_M7 -if SWD -halt -reportuseraction -select USB=723423158
1: (167) ->-----GDB Server start settings-----
1: (167) ->GDBInit file: none
1: (167) ->GDB Server Listening port: 2348
1: (167) ->SWO raw output listening port: 2350
1: (167) ->Terminal I/O port: 2333
1: (167) ->Accept remote connection: yes
1: (168) ->Generate logfile: off
1: (168) ->Verify download: on
1: (168) ->Init regs on start: off
1: (168) ->Silent mode: off
1: (168) ->Single run mode: on
1: (168) ->Target connection timeout: 0 ms
1: (168) ->------J-Link related settings------
1: (168) ->J-Link Host interface: USB
1: (168) ->J-Link script: none
1: (168) ->J-Link settings file: /Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/JLink_hello_world_demo_cm7.jlink
1: (168) ->------Target related settings------
1: (168) ->Target device: MIMXRT1176xxxA_M7
1: (168) ->Target device parameters: none
1: (168) ->Target interface: SWD
1: (168) ->Target interface speed: 4000kHz
1: (168) ->Target endian: little
1: (168) ->
1: (176) ->Connecting to J-Link...
1: (10159) <-logout
1: (10230) Send Event AD7MessageEvent
We've reproduced the issue. It looks like the J-Link process causes a segmentation fault, but it only occurs randomly on macOS. Their latest J-Link V7.96t should fix the issue. Can you try downloading and installing it? VSCode should detect it automatically afterwards.
Best regards,
Hi @PeterLendvai!
Thank you for contacting NXP Support!
For iMX93 you should download a patch.
Please refer to this page:
After that, you can follow the next steps:
Note: You have to connect the debugger before starting the board.
Best Regards!
Dear @Chavira !
"Note: You have to connect the debugger before starting the board."
How can I achive that? With my MSC SM2-MB-EP1 carrier board, when I power on the carrier board, the module starts and I can stop only in u-boot. Until that I cannot connect the debugger, because there isn't detectable target voltage.
Your i.MX 93 EVK Evaluation Kit halts the processor until the switch won't turn on?
Hi @PeterLendvai!
I refer to connecting the debugger to the computer first and then turning on the board.
You should stop the Linux boot and do the process on U-boot.
Please take our article as a reference.
Best Regards!