AMF-ENT-T4788 FAQ Installation and Troubleshooting
This page supports the NXP Tech Days training session AMF-ENT-T4788 for "Hands-On Workshop: Developing with Zephyr™ OS in Visual Studio Code". The full lab guides and installation pre-requisites are attached below.
Here are some common tips for troubleshooting and resolving installation issues, or issues building Zephyr applications in VS Code. If attending this session, and other issues occur, please post a comment here with details about the issue.
- The pre-reqs use the MCUXpresso Installer, which installs several tools, Python, and many Python modules. If some tools or modules fail to install properly, it can help to try manualling installing these. The Zephyr Project Getting Started page is a good reference for this and gives detailed steps to install everything needed.
- See MCUXpresso Installer fails to download a dependency file as a potential workaround.
- If the MCUXpresso Installer log shows errors installing a tool, see Installing with Administrator Rights and Manually Install Tools.
- To use Python commands from CLI, see Python Virtual Environment used by VS Code.
- If errors are related to Python, or missing Python modules like pip, West or others used for Zephyr builds, see Issues with multiple Python versions installed and Missing Python Modules.
- If you try to import a Zephyr project, but the FRDM-MCXN947 board is not available in the board list, you likely need to Change the Zephyr revision with Git. This lab needs to use the main branch. The MCUXpresso extension should show the Zephyr revision is v3.6.99.
- If you try to build a Zephyr project, and it fails because the file MCXN947VDF-pinctrl.h is missing, see Missing pinctrl file and HAL_NXP.