I would like to feed the FlexSPI/QSPIB with data using a SDMA channel and still have some trouble with it.
My program runs on the CM4 core of a MIMX8MM6 SoC.
I started with the memory_to_memory SDMA example which works fine. Then I adapted to FlexSPI looking in the ecspi sdma_loopback_transfer example.
But after starting the FlexSPI I see the output of the Command byte, but then the transfer stops, keeping CSn low. The Interrupt callback from SDMA is beeing called.
FlexSPI by filling TFDR manually works. Then I changed IPTXFCR[TXDMAEN] = 1 and IPTXFCR_TXWMRK = 0
I am using in SDMA_PrepareTransfer():
sdmaChannel = 1
sdmaEventSource = 36 // for qspi1/DMA tx request
sdmaPriority = 2
srcAddr = (uint32_t) u8array
dstAddr = (uint32_t) FLEXSPI->TFDR
srcWidth = 4
dstWidth = 4
bytesEachRequest = ( IPTXFCR_TXWMRK + 1) * 8
kSDMA_MemoryToPeripheral and kSDMA_PeripheralNormal
Is this possible in that way?
Thanks and regards
Hello christoph
scripts are run by sdma core which has own memory map,
so correct is section 2.4, DMA Memory Map. Also may be useful to look at
some sdma examples in Github SDK
Board Support Packages (7)
thanks. I am working on i.MX8, so looking to the i.MX6 projects didn't help, because the FlexSPI is different.
BR Christoph