FRDM-KL46Z FreeRTOS example UART and SPI Project Issues

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FRDM-KL46Z FreeRTOS example UART and SPI Project Issues

Contributor I

Hello everyone,

So, this is my first time using an ARM board, so I know so little. I have a FreeRTOS university project that utilises UART and SPI, so I was instructed to load the example SDK projects to familiarise myself. However, I've stumbled into some issues trying to run them.

For the freertos_uart project, I use Tera Term as my terminal and I adjust the serial port settings as the project suggests. I believe I've done so correctly:


From what I can see, the project should sent some text to the terminal, but it doesn't seem to work in my case; the window remains blank. Do I need to adjust some extra project/Tera Term properties for it to work?

As for freertos_spi project, I run the project, which sends some data and then receives it. I get multiple mismatch errors when data is received:


How could I get these projects to work? Maybe I should also note that I run MCUXpresso in a virtual machine with Windows 7 because running directly on Windows 10 had caused my board's bootloader to become corrupted.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Konstantinos:

You can refer to the readme  txt file under the demo folder.

for instance, For freertos uart project, 

Hardware requirements
- Mini USB cable
- FRDM-KL46Z board
- Personal Computer
- USB to Com Converter

Board settings
Pin Name Pin Name Board Location
RX PTE0 J2 pin 18
TX PTE1 J2 pin 20
GND GND J2 pin 14

could you please check your board settings ?



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