If I try to compile my project in c++ I get a lot of errors on SDK code (fsl_* files).
for example I tried to compile fsl_clock.c:
/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -std=gnu++11 -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -fno-common -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DCPU_MIMXRT1051DVL6B -D__heap_size__=0x1800 -DCONFIG_WDOG_ENABLE= -DFEED_DSP_CLOCK=0 -DCONFIG_SCHEDA_PER_RADIATE=0 -DRANDOM_SEED=-1 -DFREERTOS_ADDITIONAL_FEATURE_TOTAL_STACK_API=1 -DAPSWDEF_COMPILE_TARGET_SOA -DSDK_DEBUGCONSOLE=0 -DPRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE=0 -DSCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE=0 -DPRINTF_ADVANCED_ENABLE=0 -DSCANF_ADVANCED_ENABLE=0 -DXIP_EXTERNAL_FLASH=1 -DXIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE=1 -DXIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=0 -DFSL_RTOS_FREE_RTOS -D__MCUXPRESSO -D__USE_CMSIS -DARM_MATH_CM7 -D__NEWLIB__ -DDEBUG=0 -ICLI/ -ICLI/CLI-Cmd/ -ISOA/CLI-Cmd/ -ISOA/board/ -ISOA/board/src/ -ISOA/source/ -ISOA/startup/ -ISOA/system/ -ISOA/xip/ -Iamazon-freertos/lib/FreeRTOS/ -Iamazon-freertos/lib/FreeRTOS/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/ -Iamazon-freertos/lib/FreeRTOS/portable/MemMang/ -Iapsw/ -Idrivers/ -Imisc/ -Iqutils/qprintf/ -Iqutils/qputchar/ -Iqutils/qputs/ -Iqutils/qrand/ -Iqutils/tof/ -IsignalProcessing/ -ICMSIS -Iutilities -Imisc -Iamazon-freertos/lib/include -Iamazon-freertos/lib/include/private -I. -I./build/SOA -Og -g3 -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -c -MMD -MP -Werror -D"ARCPRINTF( ... )=(void)0" -Wa,-anhlmsd=build/SOA/drivers/fsl_clock.lst -o build/SOA/drivers/fsl_clock.o drivers/fsl_clock.c
I have collected the errors in a compressed file that I attach.
How can I compile in c++?
best regards
Hi Massimiliano Cialdi,
Thank you for posting your question.
In order to investigate this issue efficiently, please provide us more information:
1. your target part number? which SDK package do you work with?
2. How can we reproduce your problem with a SDK demo code? I will test it from my side.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Have a great day,
Jun Zhang