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I was wondering if I would be able to blank the PWM pulses based on an external trigger. To say it in more detail, lets say that PWMA0 is an independent channel that has a 50% duty cycle with a frequency of 1khz and an external GPIO which is configured to be output pin.
So, when I make this pin high, I want the PWM pulses on PWMA0 to go blank and when this pin goes low, the pulses should resume.
Is it possible? If so, how will I be able to achieve it?
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Hi, @Alexis_A
I was able to do it using XBAR signals alone. Here, the XBAR acts like an intermediate to connect the PWM and the CMP modules. The output of the CMP is connected to the fault of PWM module. The fault active level is made high and the re-enabling of the pwm module is made active.
This does the trick.
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Hi, @Alexis_A
I was able to do it using XBAR signals alone. Here, the XBAR acts like an intermediate to connect the PWM and the CMP modules. The output of the CMP is connected to the fault of PWM module. The fault active level is made high and the re-enabling of the pwm module is made active.
This does the trick.

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Please let us know your chip part number, thus we can assign right engineer for your issue.
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I'm using MKV46F256VLL16 micro controller. I'm trying to connect the output from the compare module to the PWM module so that when the comparator output goes high, the PWM stops pulsing and when the comparator output goes low, PWM resumes pulsing.
So far, I'm able to use the comparator module to compare analog values and get the output at its corresponding output pin. But I'm not able to internally connect it to the PWM module.
Let me know if I would be able to do it.

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Hello @soaring_sun,
Unfortunately, I don't think this could be possible with only the XBAR and the FTM module. The triggers can only be used to start the counter and not to stop it so I think it would be better to use the GPIO interrupt to start/stop the PWM.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon