The launch configuration 'blah Debug' is incompatible with this version of MCUXpresso IDE

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The launch configuration 'blah Debug' is incompatible with this version of MCUXpresso IDE

Contributor IV


Windows 10 pro

MCUXpresso IDE v11.4.0_6237 + a previous version, likely v11.2.1_4149

Segger JLink pro v4 (tools installed separately to MCUXpresso IDE V7.50 - not sure if that's the version the IDE is using).

Custom board with a Kinetis MK12DX128VLF5.


Same symptoms as this post:


I'm trying to debug a chip that a coworker has been working on. I can build their project. When I go to Debug -> debug configurations, and double click "GDB SEGGER interface debugging" It immediately gives me the error: "The launch configuration 'blah Debug' is incompatible with this version of MCUXpresso IDE" and asks me if I want to "migrate the launch configuration to the supported format".

Question 1) Why is the tool creating a new launch configuration that is incompatible?

If I tell it to migrate the config, it tells me that "deprecated launch configuration attributes will not be migrated to the new attributes", and then creates the launch configuration. In the JLink Debugger tab I set the device name to "MK12DX128xxx5" and select JTAG. All the other settings look OK.

When I hit "Debug" I get the same message as earlier: "The launch configuration 'blah Debug' is incompatible with this version of MCUXpresso IDE" and asks me if I want to migrate it again. If I press yes, I get: "The launch configuration 'blah Debug' could not be migrated and should be deleted". I can't find any additional error messages / logs.

I can program the board fine using the JLink Commander tool directly and programming a .bin file (objcopy from the .axf. So that rules out our board and the Jlink.

Stuff I've tried:

Deleting and recreating the workspace

Deleting the Debug/ folder of the project and rebuilding

Installing the latest version of MCUXpresso IDE.


The same issue has occurred on every step. I'm happy to provide further information if anyone has any suggestions.

I should add that my colleague thinks he's seen this same issue, but said a reinstall of the IDE fixed it, and he thinks another colleague has seen it too, but doesn't know the outcome of that yet.

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1 解決策
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I would suggest you refer to @ErichStyger 's recommendations when a new version is available:

a) install the IDE into a new/fresh folder. Never over-install over an existing version

b) create a new/fresh workspace with the new IDE

c) import your existing projects into that new workspace.

d) Never 'share' a workspace with different version of Eclipse.Means use it with different Eclipse

e) Do not continue to use the old workspace with the new IDE. Keep it using with the old IDE, as that way you always can go back.

You can export/import your user settings from one workspace to another, see

Step c) is easy with MCUXpresso IDE: you can drag&drop projects into the new workspace, or copy (link) them from your old workspace to the new one (For this I keep the old IDE with the old workspace open, then drag&drop them into the new workspace, see )







0 件の賞賛
5 返答(返信)
Specialist I

The recommended way to create a launch configuration is to use the 'blue' debug button: this will create a configuration with all the necessary settings. If you create a launch configuration with the CDT (double-click in the debug configuration as you did, it seems that this uses a different way).

I hope this helps,


0 件の賞賛
Contributor IV

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I've solved the issue using @danielchen 's reply.

I did try your solution, pressing the blue debug button brought up a window allowing me to select a probe. Choosing the jlink, and pressing OK, however did nothing, the console just stated: no probes found (may not be exactly the message).


Thanks anyway,


0 件の賞賛
Contributor IV

Bump, anyone got any ideas?

0 件の賞賛
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I would suggest you refer to @ErichStyger 's recommendations when a new version is available:

a) install the IDE into a new/fresh folder. Never over-install over an existing version

b) create a new/fresh workspace with the new IDE

c) import your existing projects into that new workspace.

d) Never 'share' a workspace with different version of Eclipse.Means use it with different Eclipse

e) Do not continue to use the old workspace with the new IDE. Keep it using with the old IDE, as that way you always can go back.

You can export/import your user settings from one workspace to another, see

Step c) is easy with MCUXpresso IDE: you can drag&drop projects into the new workspace, or copy (link) them from your old workspace to the new one (For this I keep the old IDE with the old workspace open, then drag&drop them into the new workspace, see )






0 件の賞賛
Contributor IV

Thanks for the reply.

This worked. I was pretty sure I'd done this before, but maybe I missed a step. Thanks for the help.


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