Save serial data from P&E prob
I want to save serial data that comes from my K60_dev_board but i can't get an access with MATLAB to the serial com port data i use the P&E prob to do a debug and show data with MCUxpresso console, can someone help me to do this.

Hello Amine
I suggest you to try sending another type of data, just to check if you are receiving it rigth.
In addition it is important to say that the k60 has a default baudrate of 115200.
Let me know if this helps
Best regards

Hello Amine
Make sure that the SDK debug console has marked UART.
This will allow you to display the data for UART.
For more information about the MATLAB connection you can check this link:
Let me know if this helps
Best regards
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Hello Omar,
Thanks for u quick reaction, actually i set the UART in MCUxpresso IDE, but i get an incorrect data i don't why
Actually the PRINTF with float number work fine with the semihost console
I found the solution the problem now is the speed synchronization between the transmission and reception line