I was trying to debug my program in MIMXRT685-EVK board via SEGGER J-Trace. However, the instruction trace cannot detect my target device and shows the following error:
Does it mean MIMXRT685-EVK trace is not supported by MCUXpresso? My IDE and SDK version are v11.1.1_3241 and 2.7.0
I have not used the trace support in MCUxpresso for Cortex-m33; however, the IDE supports SWO trace. If you need immediate use of 5-pin trace support, you can use Segger Ozone.
The Ozone may enable the trace clock prior to single step debug, when the BootClockRun() is executed, the trace clock will increase as well. This can cause issue to the instruction trace decode in ozone. Disable the trace in ozone, then disable trace clock. After, BootClockRun(), you can re-enable the trace clk and trace support in ozone.
trace d1 data pin is muxed with other component (I2S_DATA_TX and CLKOUT), trace speed will be limited.