MCUXpresso IDE

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MCUXpresso IDE

Contributor V


I want to build the independent project from MCUXpresso and have the following questions:

1) I should use "new project" in quick panel?

2) All required files will be included in project? So, I can copy the whole project to other machine, modify the project with the same MCUXpresso IDE?

3) Can I select all drivers when I generate the new project? If so, what is the penalty? The reason I select all is that it is hard to modify my selection when I use KDS IDE...It should not affect the executable size if I not use the drivers?



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2 Replies

Senior Contributor I

1) Yes, use the Quickstart Panel "New project..." option.  You can configure everything you need from there.

2) The short answer is "yes".  I keep my projects in Subversion (SVN) revision control, and if another engineer wants to build the project, they just need to have MCUXpresso installed and then pull down the project from the repository.  There are no dependencies on source files or library archives located outside of the project directory.  But you'll want to put the SDK ZIP archive into revision control so you can re-install it on another machine later.

3) You can select all drivers without any real penalty other than slightly longer build times.  If you do not invoke a particular driver, it will not be linked and will not affect your program size.  I always select all drivers just so I don't have to go back to the configurator and add more later (I don't like how the SDK screws with my build settings if I add/remove stuff later).

David R.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Christie,


1. It is recommended to use "New project" from Quickstart panel. Please make sure you have installed you corresponding SDK.


2. To use the project in a different PC I recommend you to use the Export project(s) options from the Quickstart panel.


3. If you have a project already created for MCUXpresso you can add drivers if you right click on your project and then go to SDK Management > Manage SDK Components, and then click the Drivers tab.


I hope this helps!


Have a great day,

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