Ladies and gentlemen,
I discovered an interesting phenomen while debugging DAC in my application.
I just wanted to turn the OpAmp buffer of DAC0 On. During debug, I've seen in the peripheral registers, that the bit BUF_EN bit is not set, however, my code sets it.
Carefully viewing onto the hex value of DAC->GCR register, I see, that the binary value is correct, it shows that bit 17 is set to 1, as I expected. However, a few lines below, BUF_EN says that the buffer is not enabled - but it is.
Is this a bug in MCUXpresso, or am I doing something wrong?
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Hello, my apologize for the late response, I did test it on the SDK example, and I have the same behavior that you reported, let me escalate to the SDK department when I have more information I will contact you.
Best regards,
Hello, I get this information from the team.
What I meant is treat this as "Not used", since bit 17 is 0. The only part that is not right is the field explanation from the MCUXpresso peripheral register view for GCR[BUF_EN]=0 is stated "Used"
Same as this, bit 17 is 1 - BUF_EN. The MCUXpresso peripheral register view for GCR[BUF_EN]=1 show "Not Used" is wrong.
The most important is the GCR register bit 17. If the GCR register bit 17 is 1 - BUF_EN (0x0002_0000), bit 17 is 0 - Buf not used (0x0000_0000).
Best regards,
Hello, could you let me know if your test was based on an example from the SDK? or is this issue reproducible on once example on the SDK? if yes could you let me know the steps?
Best regards,
Hello, my apologize for the late response, I did test it on the SDK example, and I have the same behavior that you reported, let me escalate to the SDK department when I have more information I will contact you.
Best regards,