When I try to open MCUXpresso Config tools (Right click project-> MCUXpresso Config tools -> Open Pins) from MCUXpresso IDE for an FRDM-KW38 example project, I get the following prompt.
Not sure whats wrong, I'm new to the mcuxpresso tool chain. I'm using IDE version 11.2.1 .
KW37/38/39 is not available in Config Tools v8 neither in MCUX IDE 11.2.
This should be available in next release.
It should be available in one month (mid of Jan )
If this is urgent to you. Please create a private case to NXP support team to request a patch.
" I've been working on this project for quite some time and this message came up only within the last little while. ... I did not encounter this issue after upgrading to MCUXpresso 11.0 with my 2.4.1 SDK (using a FRDM-K22F). ... Config Tools) before letting the IDE/SDK upgrade my project caused the problem."
I reproduced this issue on my side. same IDE version and latest SDK 2.6.9
I am checking it internally. Will keep you informed.
Jun Zhang