Driver path for external flash not persisted for workspace-related path
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In the project settings "C/C++ Build" -> "MCU settings" we changed the Driver for the external flash as we have to use our own driver as the nxp shipped does not support our external flash.
We use version control and have different users checking out the .cproject from it.
Therefore we need to have a relative path to be used for the "Driver" regarding the external flash.
This can be set as i.e. "${workspace_loc:}/FW_pHMI/data/LPC5460x_SPIFI_GENERIC.cfx".
When the .cproject is then updated the value is updated to the absolute path, in our case "C:\Daten\GIT\B_Medical_Medref17\FW\TRL/FW_pHMI/data/LPC5460x_SPIFI_GENERIC.cfx"
This leads to the problem, that two developers having the project in a different location always wonder why the flashing does not work -> the standard external flash driver is being used and/or the driver is not found. This leads to regular errors when updating to a new version from the version-control.
Is there a workaround available to temporarly solve this issue or how could we prevent this?
Additionally in the past, we overwrote the LPC5460x_SPIFI_Generic.cfx file from the corresponding MCUXpresso IDE version. This only worked partially as randomly the ide keeps updating the file from somewhere else that it leads to having the old version in the workspace for debugging after a while. I.e. the driver was copied from the SDK to the user workspace folder. As we do not know for sure where it was copied from and when, we were not able to find out how to solve this and found the "nicer" solution of selecting our own driver inside the project settings. Which has the above mentioned errors.
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I think you are making this more complicated than it needs to be, as you can probably just use the "LPC546xx_SPIFI_SFDP.cfx" supplied with the IDE. This should support a much wider range of flash devices than the old "LPC5460x_SPIFI_GENERIC.cfx" driver.
Just use the drop down list to select this when editing the Flash region definition inside the memory configuration editor for your project.
For more details, please see chapter 16, "LinkServer Flash Support" of the MCUXpresso IDE v11.0 User Guide - as supplied in the product install, and in particular section 16.2.4, "Flash Drivers using SFDP protocol (LPC and iMX RT)".
MCUXpresso IDE Support
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Please check the following thread and let me know if this helps.
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This does not help as the workspace path I select is overwritten with an absolute path in the project file.
We have to keep the workspace path “$ in the project file to be able to share this project using our version control.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Cordialement / Best Regards
Andre Schüer
Entwicklung Elektronik /
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Von: soledad <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. August 2019 19:19
An: Schüer, Andre <>
Betreff: Re: - Re: Driver path for external flash not persisted for workspace-related path
NXP Community <>
Re: Driver path for external flash not persisted for workspace-related path
reply from soledad<> in MCUXpresso IDE - View the full discussion<>
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Sorry for my delay. Please check the attached document (page 54)
I hope this helps
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I'm currently trying to follow the instructions from the user guide that you cited (thank you for the pointer!).
It states that the scripts can "simply be dragged into the local project structure". And further up that they can "be found (automatically) either within an SDK or installed by default within the IDE". Alas, I cannot find the correct scripts for the LPC54608. Could you help with that?
Best regards,