MCUX SDK 2.5.0 - Why the MCU restrictions on certain middleware?

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MCUX SDK 2.5.0 - Why the MCU restrictions on certain middleware?

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Senior Contributor I

So, I got a notification a couple of days ago about MCUX IDE and SDK being updated.  Great.  So I go to the SDK builder and click "Update available" on my previous version of SDK (2.4.2) for my Kinetis K24 project.  I make a note of which middleware libraries I had selected in my previous SDK package, and then go to check off the same ones in the new one.

... except you're not letting me select at least one of them.  We have a SPI flash on our custom K24 board, and we're using littlefs quite capably at the moment.  I want to include it in the new SDK so I can diff and compare for any bug fixes, but your SDK builder is telling me that littlefs can only be included for the following MCUs:

  • LPC54018
  • LPC54S016
  • LPC54S018
  • MIMXRT1052xxxxB
  • MIMXRT1062xxxxA

Um, news flash... the littlefs library works with ANY MCU that has a small-sector SPI flash attached to a SPI port.  My guess is that you're restricting deployment of the library to only those evaluation boards on which you have a SPI flash already mounted.

I get that littlefs requires an "adapter" that sits between the library and the SPI driver to perform LFS-specific SPI operations, and that it would be extremely difficult to provide a working example for every MCU that has a SPI port.  But you're now forcing me to create some unrelated project for an MCU I don't use, just so I can get the littlefs source from MCUX.  THIS MAKES NO SENSE.

Here's another one... you're restricting the "cjson" library to the RT 1050 EVKB only.  Why?  I'm doing JSON processing on my K24 (using a different library).  Why can't I include cjson in my K24 project if I wanted to?  Is the RT 1060 EVK out of luck on this, too?  Why only the RT 1050?

littlefs is made specifically for platforms like the Kinetis.  Can anyone from NXP explain why it's being withheld from SDK 2.5.0 for all but the above five platforms?

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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello David,

thank you for the feedback. I agree with you. The current solution is not good. The reason is there are not examples in the SDK for those other combinations of hardware and middleware. However, I agree with you, it should not matter. Such middleware, that doesn't really need some particular peripheral module should not have such restrictions.

This approach will be revised in January.

There is already an internal bug ticket created for this littlefs case: SDKGEN-707 .



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2 Replies
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello David,

thank you for the feedback. I agree with you. The current solution is not good. The reason is there are not examples in the SDK for those other combinations of hardware and middleware. However, I agree with you, it should not matter. Such middleware, that doesn't really need some particular peripheral module should not have such restrictions.

This approach will be revised in January.

There is already an internal bug ticket created for this littlefs case: SDKGEN-707 .



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Senior Contributor I

Thank you for addressing this.  The release of SDK 2.5.0 arguably made the MCUXpresso SDK less useful for some platforms.  There should be an uncoupling between development hardware examples and the ability to include certain middleware in the SDK distribution.  Hopefully your team can sort through all of the platforms and resolve this issue thoroughly.  Thanks.

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