[Moved here from the RT forums, now that I found this forum]
I'm trying to get the MCUXpresso IDE working on Win11 Pro with the MIMXRT1040-EVK.
Context: While installing the IDE with the board attached, the USB-connected hardware is enumerated while the installer is installing drivers. The VCP (COM port) driver works (the red USB activity LED blinks on the board when I type into a terminal, although the board doesn't show anything on boot, or respond to key presses). Also, the RT1040-EVK drive shows up as
Problem: both the CMSIS-DAP v2 and WebUSB: CMSIS-DAP devices in the Device Manager have warning icons, and both device's Device Status textboxes say:
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There are no compatible drivers for this device.
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.
I've tried uninstalling the mbed Composite Driver and disconnecting and reconnecting the board, and downloading and running mbedWinSerial_16466.exe to see if it installed .inf files or drivers, all to no avail. I can't find the bootloader listed on OpenSDA Serial and Debug Adapter (a recommendation on an NXP Community forum that was given for a different board).
Is there an alternate .inf file and/or .dll I should use? Did I mess anything up by running mbedWinSerial_16466.exe?
HALP! And many, many thanks :).
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