Boot from SD using MFGTools + MCUXpresso + RT1050EVK

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Boot from SD using MFGTools + MCUXpresso + RT1050EVK

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Contributor II


Did anyone try to program boot image created under MCUXpresso into SDCard ? My goal is to boot from eMMC but as first step I would like to boot from sdcard and later switch to eMMC. I successfuly managed to create file and I am able to program it into SDCard but after reconfiguring boot pins and reset program won't boot. I am following steps described in AN12107 but unfortunately project configure related steps are for IAR. 

My configuration:

- application code executed from DTCM

- I modified linker script to put reset vector and rest of the app code under 0x20002000 address

- in "" file i set startAddress = 0x20000000 and entryPointAddress = 0x20002000 (that's where vectors are)

- I am using "" without any custom changes

- I'm using hello_blinky example project as base

EDIT: After some reading and searching I believe entryPointAddress should be set to 0x20002000 (vectors array start address). Still I don't know if I should set startAddress to 0x20000000  or to different address ? I also recreated example SD card boot example from AN12107(section 3.5) using ITCM but I'm facing the same problem, app won't boot. Why is it necessary to set startAddress to 0x8000 ? Why it can't be beginning of ITCM memory ?


I would be grateful for any info, example or simple tutorial.

Thanks in advance

Mateusz Piesta

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Mateusz Piesta,

I test it on my side today , it can work well.

MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0_759

SDK v2.4

For the SDK demo of "hello_world", only change memory configuration:


Please pay attention the start address of application is 0x2000,.

Then refer to AN12107 steps to do .

If have any problem about this, you can share it with us.

Hope it helps,

Have a great day,

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1,918 次查看
Contributor III

Hello Alice,

How to generate file from s19 for MIMXRT1050-EVK board, to boot from SD card.

Need to know .bd file modification, MCUXpresso IDE memory configuration and elftosb?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I just finished a deatailed tutorial on that subject:

Tutorial: Booting the NXP i.MX RT from Micro SD Card | MCU on Eclipse 

I hope this helps,


1,918 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Mateusz Piesta,

Please change startAddress from 0x8000 to 0x1000 to have a try on with TICM proejct. . 

If still can't work, please tell me the version of SDK , and MCUXpresso IDE.



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