About LPC824 ADC Conversion
Hello Everyone:
I Had try to use ADC function to check the battery,but it can not continue when I start it(following figure),and I had try to referance a lot of demo core to implemention requirement( the project can not debug now,because that the project had open the deep power dowm mode before,and I had close that,but it also can not debug),and this project was switch form LPC822(all the function designed before is work properly),and I had updat the IDE and CONFIG TOOL just now(the ADC also can not work),can you help me? thanks.
(the following discribe is base on Chinese)
目前我有个项目正在使用LPC824实现ADC检测电池电压的功能,在应用中我发现如下配置下启动转换的时候无法完成转换,同时我还参考了许多的DEMO程序,但是均无法实现ADC,为此我还特地升级了IDE和CONFIG TOOL,但是都不能奏效,还请帮忙尽早解决,谢谢
the problem has been solved,see the figure:

Hello 志荣 陈,
Do you meaning your chip can't debug now with any project , or only this ADC project?
If only this project, please run into the function of "ADC_GetChannelConversionResult()" to check
the issue.
And under SDK, there is ADC demo based on LPC824, you can first test whether the demo can work well.
Have a great day,
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Alice_Yang :
thanks for your reply,but I'm sorry that I can't use my product's board to debug demo code , and I had tried all the following demo code (I had tried other code).
and last,please see the figure in the questioning(it's can not continue when I START IT)
AND ,I'm sorry to ask you: are you Chinese?can we communicate in Chinese???