BUG REPORT - Typo in MCUXpresso Config Tools generated file for LPADC

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BUG REPORT - Typo in MCUXpresso Config Tools generated file for LPADC

1,817 次查看
Contributor II

Hi there,

I recently ran into an error, where the file peripherals.c autogenerated with the MCUXpresso Config Tools had a typo, when I was trying to configure LPADC1 for a project on 1170-evk.

As seen in the linked image, triggerPriorityPolicy has been misspelled as triggerPrioirtyPolicy in the generated file, which in turn causes a failure to build the project (the "on disk" file is the one I fixed manually).

While it was relatively easy to fix manually, I figured that you would like to know it, so it can be fixed.


Best regards,


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1 解答
1,794 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Mathias,

there was this typo in the older SDK drivers and we have to have output code the same.

It has been fixed since version 2.2.0 in driver as well as in component version 2.2.0 and newer.

It seems like you have newer driver than component version.

In latest release of Config tools v11, there is menu command for migration to other component version, see attached screenshot.




1 回复
1,795 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Mathias,

there was this typo in the older SDK drivers and we have to have output code the same.

It has been fixed since version 2.2.0 in driver as well as in component version 2.2.0 and newer.

It seems like you have newer driver than component version.

In latest release of Config tools v11, there is menu command for migration to other component version, see attached screenshot.
