LSDK on LS1046A

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LSDK on LS1046A

2,076 次查看
Contributor IV

Building the default configuration from LSDK 20.08 and reflashing QSPI flash on my LS1046ARDB, I see the following messages during the boot process:


U-Boot 2021.04-dirty (Jul 28 2022 - 15:20:09 -0700)

SoC: LS1046AE Rev1.0 (0x87070010)
Clock Configuration:
CPU0(A72):1800 MHz CPU1(A72):1800 MHz CPU2(A72):1800 MHz
CPU3(A72):1800 MHz
Bus: 700 MHz DDR: 2100 MT/s FMAN: 800 MHz
Reset Configuration Word (RCW):
00000000: 0e150012 10000000 00000000 00000000
00000010: 11335559 40005012 40025000 c1000000
00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00238800
00000030: 20124000 00003101 00000096 00000001
Board: LS1046ARDB, boot from QSPI vBank 0
CPLD: V2.3
PCBA: V3.0
SERDES Reference Clocks:
SD1_CLK1 = 156.25MHZ, SD1_CLK2 = 100.00MHZ
DRAM: 15.9 GiB (DDR4, 64-bit, CL=15, ECC on)
DDR Chip-Select Interleaving Mode: CS0+CS1
Using SERDES1 Protocol: 4403 (0x1133)
Using SERDES2 Protocol: 21849 (0x5559)
NAND: 512 MiB
Loading Environment from SPIFlash... SF: Detected s25fs512s with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 256 KiB, total 64 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
SEC0: RNG instantiated
Net: SF: Detected s25fs512s with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 256 KiB, total 64 MiB
Fman1: Uploading microcode version 106.4.18
eth0: fm1-mac3, eth1: fm1-mac4, eth2: fm1-mac5, eth3: fm1-mac6, eth4: fm1-mac9, eth5: fm1-mac10
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0

Ignoring the "Trial Hybrid" Model (I modified this string before building), I was hoping I could get an explanation  of "*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment" and why this occurs, and what the significance is.

Anybody knowledgeable here is welcome to enter this discussion.  I'm learning.


0 项奖励
1 解答
2,073 次查看
Contributor IV

U-Boot has many configuration parameters which are stored in the "Environment." There is a default environment which is compiled into U-Boot. U-Boot can also load and save its environment to permanent storage. When loading the environment, U-Boot checks the CRC to see if it is valid. If it is not valid, the default environment is used. Usually, the CRC is invalid when the environment has not yet been saved. If you have saved the environment and see this message, then something is wrong.


4 回复数
2,038 次查看
Contributor IV

Presumably there are details on this "environment", and what goes into generating it?  Can you possible point me in the right direction to a document or website?  I am currently investigating.

Thank you for your response.

0 项奖励
2,036 次查看
Contributor IV
0 项奖励
2,033 次查看
Contributor IV

I see.  This is a function of U-boot.  I've been associating this with the actual processor.  Thank you for clarifying.  I will read about U-boot.  Again, thank you and very helpful.

0 项奖励
2,074 次查看
Contributor IV

U-Boot has many configuration parameters which are stored in the "Environment." There is a default environment which is compiled into U-Boot. U-Boot can also load and save its environment to permanent storage. When loading the environment, U-Boot checks the CRC to see if it is valid. If it is not valid, the default environment is used. Usually, the CRC is invalid when the environment has not yet been saved. If you have saved the environment and see this message, then something is wrong.