Per my system requirements I need to power down 3 of the 4 cores. Can someone point me to the documentation which discusses how to shut down the specific clocks for 3 of the 4 cores?
Thank you
Hi Scott, I just was looking into doing this myself when I ran across this unanswered question... I've sort of given up on this forum, as no one seems to respond for a really long time... looks like you asked your question over 5 months ago with no response.
Well, to show you what I did, here's a shot of my notes:
ref: 12.3.11 Core Disable Register (COREDISR)
Value Definition
0x000000002 | Core 1 disabled |
0x000000004 | Core 2 disabled |
0x000000008 | Core 3 disabled |
Values can be OR’d together to disable multiple cores.
Core 0 is always enabled…
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // disable core 3 and 2 so we only use core 0 and 1... //------------------------------------------------------------------------- write 0xEE0094, 0x0000000C
for_each_cpu(i, core, cpu_numcores(), cpu_mask()) { if(!(i % 2)) printf("\n\t"); type = TP_ITYP_VER(fsl_qoriq_core_to_type(core)); printf("CPU%d(%s):%-4s MHz %s ", core, (type == TY_ITYP_VER_A7) ? "A7 " : (type == TY_ITYP_VER_A53 ? "A53" : (type == TY_ITYP_VER_A57 ? "A57" : (type == TY_ITYP_VER_A72 ? "A72" : " "))), strmhz(buf, sysinfo.freq_processor[core]), (in_be32(0x01EE0094) & (1<<core)) ? "[ IDLE ]" : "[ACTIVE]"); }