How to run ipfwd_app in background
I failed to run ipfwd_app on LS1043ARDB, could anyone help me?
Here are my steps
1. boot kernel with USDPAA device tree configuration
2. fmc -c usdpaa_config_ls1043.xml -p usdpaa_policy_hash_ipv4.xml -a
3. ipfwd_app 1..3 -c usdpaa_config_ls1043.xml -p usdpaa_policy_hash_ipv4.xml&
4. ipfwd_config -P #PID -E -a true --> after this, there is no responce in the shell and seems stucked
I found that after step3, the ipfwd_app is stopped
[1]+ Stopped(SIGTTOU) ipfwd_app 1..3 -c usdpaa_config_ls1043.xml -p usdpaa_policy_hash_ipv4.xml
So, I think it is that ipfwd_app is done which causes no response for ipfwd_config
After that, I try to use 'nohup' to run ipfwd_app, still failed, the log shows that apfwd_app is always killed, why was that?
Thread uid:smileylaugh: killed (cpu 1)
I'm using mini-usb to connect the console, so it is not possible to run two shells.
In USDPAA application, the kernel can't see the MAC, so I think ssh is not possible either
Can anyone help?

Hello Michael Chen,
You need to use ssh to open another terminal to run ipfwd_config. If you don't have a PCIe Ethernet card, you could modify the dts file to assign one Ethernet port to Linux rather than USDPAA. In the device node "fsl,dpaa" definition in dts file arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/fsl-ls1043a-rdb-usdpaa.dts, please delete one Ethernet port definition to make it assigned to Linux Kernel.
Have a great day,
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hi Yiping,
Finally, I succeed to modify dts file and can use SSH now, but there is a new issue.
I can't add route, here is the error log
root@ls1043ardb:~# ipfwd_config -P 1961 -B -s -d -g
ERR:Route Entry Operation failed as mandatory parameters missing; --f or -f
And after I add "--f" to the command, there is another error
root@ls1043ardb:~# ipfwd_config -P 1961 -B -s -d -g --f 0
-B: --f: (PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?
Try `-B --help' or `-B --usage' for more information.
What should do?