How can I configure a mirror port in OpenIL?
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Hi all,
I read the mirroring configuration in the chapter Mirroring2 of [1], which says:
To debug network problems, selected traffic can be copied, or mirrored, to a mirror port where a frame analyzer can be attached to analyze the frame flow.
The traffic to be copied to the mirror port can be selected as follows:
• All frames received on a given port (also known as ingress mirroring)
• All frames transmitted on a given port (also known as egress mirroring
• Frames selected through configured VCAP entries
• All frames classified to specific VIDs
• All frames sent to the CPU (may be useful for software debugging)
• Frames where the source MAC address is to be learned (also known as learn frame), which may be useful for software debugging.
Do you know to how to use the mirroring function?
[1] Lsa, A. (2019). QorIQ LS1028A Reference Manual.
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Hi Yiping,
I check the about redundancy test. The test diagram indeed shows the test center to capture traffic from swp2. Do you mean the swp2 is mirroring the "cbstreams" in the test case?
It seems the duplicate frames for 802.1CB purpose and it needs to configure "cbstreams" at first. My original intention is to monitor any traffics (not limited to TSN cbstreams) on the mirror port.
Any comments?

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Mirroring of any sorts is not yet supported in the LS1028A switch driver. Could you please figure out which type of mirroring (port-based: ingress or egress, flow-based: on which keys should the matching be performed) is required and what is the destination port required (the CPU port or a different front-panel port)?
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Hi Yiping,
I just want to wireshark the traffic through ls1028ardb, so the port based mirroring is required. And the mirroring traffic should be forwarded to external port.

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Please refer to the following feedback from LSDK development team.
We may be able to support ingress and egress port-based mirroring in the next LSDK after 20.04.

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Please refer to section " Seamless redundancy test case" in "8.1 Using TSN features on LS1028ARDB" in OpenIL user manual.