Changing RCW For LSDK 21.08

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Changing RCW For LSDK 21.08

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Contributor II


I'm trying to change the Reset Configuration Word (RCW) for LSDK 21.08. We're using an LS1028ARDB. We're hoping to adjust the RCW to allow for GPIO enabling (currently attempting to set RCW[EC1_SAI4_5_PMUX] equal to 1 to do so).

We've attempted to adjust the RCW using Code Warrior Development Studio for QorlQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA Launcher using the PBL tool and outputting the binary. We've also attempted the instructions in section of this document but both attempts at using the resulting binary have caused our board not to boot. 

We'd appreciate any insight in enabling GPIO on our LS1028ARDB and/or how to properly adjust the RCW and boot from it. Thank you!

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1 Solution
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Assume you boot from NOR flash.

Change the value  RCW[EC1_SAI4_5_PMUX] equal to 1 in the */flexbuild_lsdk2108/flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/rcw/ls1028ardb/R_SQPP_0x85bb/rcw_1500_gpu600.rcw

Also, you could use the generated binary, confirm the */flexbuild_lsdk2108/configs/board/ls1028ardb/manifest select rcw_xspi, rcw_xspi="path/*.bin"(make sure the path is the required bin file)


  1. $ cd flexbuild_lsdk2108/
  2. $ source setup.env
  3. $ flex-builder -i clean-firmware
  4. $ flex-builder -c atf -m ls1028ardb -b xspi
  5. $ flex-builder -i mkfw -m ls1028ardb -b xspi

Now the required NOR image is available in*/flexbuild_lsdk2108/build/images


You could refer to */flexbuild_lsdk2108/flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/rcw/ls1028asi/ls1028a.rcwi for the RCW parameter definition.

View solution in original post

4 Replies
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Before changing the RCW, you should make your Host system can compile the image successfully(using the default source files). Please refer to LSDK21.08 4.1.1 Host system requirements, make sure your system can access server.

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Contributor II

Hi @June_Lu,

Thank you for linking that document. The underlying issue was that my system was having issues accessing the github repository due to a SSL certificate issue. Once that was resolved, I was able to execute your commands without error and generate a new image file. Turns out this LSDK is not the one we need to use for our current objective, but we are currently working on procuring a copy of the correct LSDK with respective .rcw files. Once we retrieve that, I'll follow this process once again to hopefully successfully edit our .rcw source file and generate the image. Thank you for your help in this matter!

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Contributor II

Hi @June_Lu,

Thank you for your reply. We are hoping to edit rcw_1300.rcw as we believe this is the necessary rcw file for our purposes. If this process changes as a result of using this file rather than rcw_1500_gpu600.rcw than I'm happy to switch things up, but for now RCW[EC1_SAI4_5_PMUX] is set to 1 in rcw_1300.rcw.

I retrieved the flexbuild_lsdk2108 folder from this link and placed it on a Ubuntu virtual machine. I set the rcw_xspi field in the manifest to the path to our rcw_1300.bin and followed the listed steps. On command #4, I receive errors of fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none and Not found the dependent .../flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/uboot/configs/ls1028ardb_tfa_defconfig. It appears the flexbuild_lsdk2108 I downloaded does not have a uboot folder. These errors result in no NOR image being produced. Do you think I need to somehow copy the uboot files into the folder or is trying to do this with rcw_1300 creating issues? Thank you.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Assume you boot from NOR flash.

Change the value  RCW[EC1_SAI4_5_PMUX] equal to 1 in the */flexbuild_lsdk2108/flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/rcw/ls1028ardb/R_SQPP_0x85bb/rcw_1500_gpu600.rcw

Also, you could use the generated binary, confirm the */flexbuild_lsdk2108/configs/board/ls1028ardb/manifest select rcw_xspi, rcw_xspi="path/*.bin"(make sure the path is the required bin file)


  1. $ cd flexbuild_lsdk2108/
  2. $ source setup.env
  3. $ flex-builder -i clean-firmware
  4. $ flex-builder -c atf -m ls1028ardb -b xspi
  5. $ flex-builder -i mkfw -m ls1028ardb -b xspi

Now the required NOR image is available in*/flexbuild_lsdk2108/build/images


You could refer to */flexbuild_lsdk2108/flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/rcw/ls1028asi/ls1028a.rcwi for the RCW parameter definition.