The integrated flash controller (IFC) is used to interface with external asynchronous/synchronous NAND flash, asynchronous NOR flash, SRAM, generic ASIC memory and EPROM. This document introduces how to configure IFC controller on QorIQ LS, T and P series custom boards, uses LS1043 custom board integrating NAND Flash MT29F64G08CBCBBH1 as an example to demonstrate IFC flash timing parameters calculation and control registers configuration, CodeWarrior initialization file customization and u-boot source code porting.
Hello Sagar,
Please create a new thread to describe your problem in details.
I want to debug T2080RDB vxworks bootrom image by step into codes in flash memory location 0xFFF00000-0xFFFFFFFF
Attached the memory map in vxworks6.x for T2080QDS &RDB
\sh Memory Maps
The default hardware memory map of the XT2080QDS BSP is as follows:
Start | Size | End | Access to
0x0000_0000 | 2GB | 0x7FFF_FFFF | DDR3 SDRAM
0x7F40_0000 | 8MB | 0x7FBF_FFFF | 8MB reserved memory for QMAN hardware
0x7FC0_0000 | 4MB | 0x7FFF_FFFF | 4MB reserved memory for BMAN hardware
0x8000_0000 | 64MB | 0x83FF_FFFF | PCIe 1 Prefetchable Memory
0x8400_0000 | 64MB | 0x87FF_FFFF | PCIe 1 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0x8800_0000 | 64MB | 0x8BFF_FFFF | PCIe 1 IO
0x8C00_0000 | 64MB | 0x8FFF_FFFF | PCIe 1 IO32
0xA000_0000 | 64MB | 0xA3FF_FFFF | PCIe 2 Prefetchable Memory
0xA400_0000 | 64MB | 0xA7FF_FFFF | PCIe 2 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xA800_0000 | 64MB | 0xABFF_FFFF | PCIe 2 IO
0xAC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xAFFF_FFFF | PCIe 2 IO32
0xC000_0000 | 64MB | 0xC3FF_FFFF | PCIe 3 Prefetchable Memory
0xC400_0000 | 64MB | 0xC7FF_FFFF | PCIe 3 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xC800_0000 | 64MB | 0xCBFF_FFFF | PCIe 3 IO
0xCC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xCFFF_FFFF | PCIe 3 IO32
0xD000_0000 | 64MB | 0xD3FF_FFFF | PCIe 4 Prefetchable Memory
0xD400_0000 | 64MB | 0xD7FF_FFFF | PCIe 4 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xD800_0000 | 64MB | 0xDBFF_FFFF | PCIe 4 IO
0xDC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xDFFF_FFFF | PCIe 4 IO32
0xEFDF_0000 | 4KB | 0xEFDF_0FFF | QIXIS
0xF400_0000 | 32MB | 0xF5FF_FFFF | BMAN
0xF600_0000 | 32MB | 0xF7FF_FFFF | QMAN
0xFD00_0000 | 4MB | 0xFD3F_FFFF | DCSR
0xFE00_0000 | 16MB | 0xFEFF_FFFF | CCSBAR
0xFF00_0000 | 16MB | 0xFFFF_FFFF | NOR FLASH
I modify the the T2080RDB-PCIe_init_sram.tcl
with following changes:
# Local Access Windows Setup
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C10] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C14] = 0xEFDF0000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C18] = 0x81F0000B
## LAW2 to IFC - NOR
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C20] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C24] = 0xFF000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C28] = 0x81f0001a
# clear the other CSPRs to be able to read from QIXIS before the final configuration
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 0 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 1 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 2 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
# QIXIS, addr 0xFFDF0000, 4k size, 8-bit, GPCM, Valid
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x12400C + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xEFDF0085
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1240A0 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124130 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C0 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0xE00E000E
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C4 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0xFF003F00
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C8 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0x0E00001F
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241CC + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0x00000000
# NOR Flash, addr 0xFF000000, 16MB size, 16-bit NOR
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x12400C + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xFF000101
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1240A0 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xFF000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124130 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x0000000c
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C0 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x40050005
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C4 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x35001A13
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C8 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x0410381C
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241CC + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x00000000
# MMU initialization
set CCSR_EPN 000000[string range [CCSR_ADDR 1] 4 14]
set CCSR_RPN [string range [CCSR_ADDR 0] 4 14]
# define 16MB TLB entry 1 : 0xFE000000 - 0xFEFFFFFF for CCSR cache inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM1 = 0x7000000A1C080000000000${CCSR_RPN}${CCSR_EPN}
# define 256k TLB entry 2 : 0x00000000 - 0x0003FFFF for SRAM cache-inhibited
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM2 = 0x480000081C08000000000000000000000000000000000001
# define 256k TLB entry 3 : 0x00040000 - 0x0007FFFF for SRAM cache-inhibited
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM3 = 0x480000081C08000000000000000400000000000000040001
# define 4k TLB entry 4 : 0xFFDF0000 - 0xFFDF0FFF for QIXIS cache-inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM4 = 0x1000000A1C08000000000000EFDF000000000000EFDF0001
# define 16M TLB entry 5 : 0xFF000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF for NOR cache-inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM5 = 0x7000000A1C08000000000000FF00000000000000FF000001
translate v:0x0000000000000000 i:0x0000000000 0x80000000
translate v:0x00000000C0000000 i:0x00C0000000 0x20000000
translate v:0x00000000FF000000 i:0x00FF000000 0x01000000
translate v:0x00000000FE000000 i:0x00FE000000 0x01000000
//translate v:0x00000000FF800000 i:0x00FF800000 0x00100000
translate v:0x00000000EFDF0000 i:0x00EFDF0000 0x00001000
translate v:0x00000000FFFFF000 i:0x00FFFFF000 0x00001000
AutoEnableTranslations true
But when codewarrior initialed the board, the tool can't access the flash memory range 0xFF000000..
I also use the T2080RDB_uboot_36.tcl and T2080RDB-PCIe_uboot_36_NOR_stage1.mem to initial the board,
after codewarriot attached the board, it will failed to access 0xFFFFFFFC.
proc envsetup {} {
# Environment Setup
radix x
config hexprefix 0x
config MemIdentifier v
config MemWidth 32
config MemAccess 32
config MemSwap off
# Main
# debugger settings
variable GPR_GROUP "General Purpose Registers/"
# prevent stack unwinding at entry_point/reset when stack pointer is not initialized
reg ${GPR_GROUP}SP = 0x000000000000000F
reservedchar 0xBA
reserved v:0x00000000 v:0xFFFFEFFF
reserved p:0x00000000 p:0xFFFFEFFF
reserved i:0x00000000 i:0xFFFFEFFF
reserved v:0x100000000 v:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
reserved p:0x100000000 p:0xFFFFFFFFF
reserved i:0x100000000 i:0xFFFFFFFFF
translate v:0x00000000FFFFF000 i:0x00FFFFF000 0x00001000
AutoEnableTranslations true
Because vxworks bootrom for Qoriq flash address locate at 0xFF000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF,
and Uboot's flash address is at 0xEFFF0000- 0xEFFFFFFF.
How to setup the initial script file to debug vxworks bootrom in codewarrior?
do your boot boot, initial loader comes up ?
Hello yipingwang,
Kindly include code in uboot where CONFIG_SYS_NAND_CSOR_EXT is used. Thanks much.