IFC Controller Configuration on QorIQ Custom Boards

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IFC Controller Configuration on QorIQ Custom Boards

IFC Controller Configuration on QorIQ Custom Boards

The integrated flash controller (IFC) is used to interface with external asynchronous/synchronous NAND flash, asynchronous NOR flash, SRAM, generic ASIC memory and EPROM. This document introduces how to configure IFC controller on QorIQ LS, T and P series custom boards, uses LS1043 custom board integrating NAND Flash MT29F64G08CBCBBH1 as an example to demonstrate IFC flash timing parameters calculation and control registers configuration, CodeWarrior initialization file customization and u-boot source code porting.

1. IFC Memory Mapped Registers Introduction

2. Calculate IFC Flash Timing Values and Configure Control Registers

3. Customize CodeWarrior Initialization File with the Calculated IFC Timing

4. Porting U-BOOT Source with the Calculated IFC Timing

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Hello Sagar,

Please create a new thread to describe your problem in details.



I want to debug T2080RDB vxworks bootrom image by step into codes in flash memory location 0xFFF00000-0xFFFFFFFF


Attached the memory map  in vxworks6.x for T2080QDS &RDB 

\sh Memory Maps
The default hardware memory map of the XT2080QDS BSP is as follows:

Start | Size | End | Access to
0x0000_0000 | 2GB | 0x7FFF_FFFF | DDR3 SDRAM
0x7F40_0000 | 8MB | 0x7FBF_FFFF | 8MB reserved memory for QMAN hardware
0x7FC0_0000 | 4MB | 0x7FFF_FFFF | 4MB reserved memory for BMAN hardware
0x8000_0000 | 64MB | 0x83FF_FFFF | PCIe 1 Prefetchable Memory
0x8400_0000 | 64MB | 0x87FF_FFFF | PCIe 1 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0x8800_0000 | 64MB | 0x8BFF_FFFF | PCIe 1 IO
0x8C00_0000 | 64MB | 0x8FFF_FFFF | PCIe 1 IO32
0xA000_0000 | 64MB | 0xA3FF_FFFF | PCIe 2 Prefetchable Memory
0xA400_0000 | 64MB | 0xA7FF_FFFF | PCIe 2 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xA800_0000 | 64MB | 0xABFF_FFFF | PCIe 2 IO
0xAC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xAFFF_FFFF | PCIe 2 IO32
0xC000_0000 | 64MB | 0xC3FF_FFFF | PCIe 3 Prefetchable Memory
0xC400_0000 | 64MB | 0xC7FF_FFFF | PCIe 3 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xC800_0000 | 64MB | 0xCBFF_FFFF | PCIe 3 IO
0xCC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xCFFF_FFFF | PCIe 3 IO32
0xD000_0000 | 64MB | 0xD3FF_FFFF | PCIe 4 Prefetchable Memory
0xD400_0000 | 64MB | 0xD7FF_FFFF | PCIe 4 Non-Prefetchable Memory
0xD800_0000 | 64MB | 0xDBFF_FFFF | PCIe 4 IO
0xDC00_0000 | 64MB | 0xDFFF_FFFF | PCIe 4 IO32
0xEFDF_0000 | 4KB | 0xEFDF_0FFF | QIXIS
0xF400_0000 | 32MB | 0xF5FF_FFFF | BMAN
0xF600_0000 | 32MB | 0xF7FF_FFFF | QMAN
0xFD00_0000 | 4MB | 0xFD3F_FFFF | DCSR
0xFE00_0000 | 16MB | 0xFEFF_FFFF | CCSBAR
0xFF00_0000 | 16MB | 0xFFFF_FFFF | NOR FLASH


I modify the the T2080RDB-PCIe_init_sram.tcl 

with following changes:


# Local Access Windows Setup


mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C10] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C14] = 0xEFDF0000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C18] = 0x81F0000B


## LAW2 to IFC - NOR
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C20] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C24] = 0xFF000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR 0x000C28] = 0x81f0001a


# clear the other CSPRs to be able to read from QIXIS before the final configuration
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 0 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 1 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + 2 * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000

# QIXIS, addr 0xFFDF0000, 4k size, 8-bit, GPCM, Valid 
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x12400C + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xEFDF0085
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1240A0 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124130 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000

mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C0 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0xE00E000E
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C4 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0xFF003F00
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C8 + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0x0E00001F
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241CC + $QIXIS_CS * 0x30]] = 0x00000000

# NOR Flash, addr 0xFF000000, 16MB size, 16-bit NOR
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x12400C + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x00000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124010 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xFF000101
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1240A0 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0xFF000000
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x124130 + $NOR_CS * 0x0C]] = 0x0000000c

mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C0 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x40050005
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C4 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x35001A13
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241C8 + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x0410381C
mem [CCSR_ADDR [expr 0x1241CC + $NOR_CS * 0x30]] = 0x00000000


# MMU initialization

set CCSR_EPN 000000[string range [CCSR_ADDR 1] 4 14]
set CCSR_RPN [string range [CCSR_ADDR 0] 4 14]

# define 16MB TLB entry 1 : 0xFE000000 - 0xFEFFFFFF for CCSR cache inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM1 = 0x7000000A1C080000000000${CCSR_RPN}${CCSR_EPN}


# define 256k TLB entry 2 : 0x00000000 - 0x0003FFFF for SRAM cache-inhibited
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM2 = 0x480000081C08000000000000000000000000000000000001


# define 256k TLB entry 3 : 0x00040000 - 0x0007FFFF for SRAM cache-inhibited
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM3 = 0x480000081C08000000000000000400000000000000040001

# define 4k TLB entry 4 : 0xFFDF0000 - 0xFFDF0FFF for QIXIS cache-inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM4 = 0x1000000A1C08000000000000EFDF000000000000EFDF0001


# define 16M TLB entry 5 : 0xFF000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF for NOR cache-inhibited, guarded
reg ${CAM_GROUP}L2MMU_CAM5 = 0x7000000A1C08000000000000FF00000000000000FF000001




translate v:0x0000000000000000 i:0x0000000000 0x80000000
translate v:0x00000000C0000000 i:0x00C0000000 0x20000000
translate v:0x00000000FF000000 i:0x00FF000000 0x01000000
translate v:0x00000000FE000000 i:0x00FE000000 0x01000000
//translate v:0x00000000FF800000 i:0x00FF800000 0x00100000
translate v:0x00000000EFDF0000 i:0x00EFDF0000 0x00001000
translate v:0x00000000FFFFF000 i:0x00FFFFF000 0x00001000

AutoEnableTranslations true


But when codewarrior initialed the board,   the tool can't access the flash memory range 0xFF000000..


I also use the T2080RDB_uboot_36.tcl and T2080RDB-PCIe_uboot_36_NOR_stage1.mem to initial the board,

after codewarriot attached the board,  it will failed to access 0xFFFFFFFC.



proc envsetup {} {
# Environment Setup
radix x 
config hexprefix 0x
config MemIdentifier v
config MemWidth 32 
config MemAccess 32 
config MemSwap off

# Main 


# debugger settings
variable GPR_GROUP "General Purpose Registers/"
# prevent stack unwinding at entry_point/reset when stack pointer is not initialized
reg ${GPR_GROUP}SP = 0x000000000000000F



reservedchar 0xBA

reserved v:0x00000000 v:0xFFFFEFFF
reserved p:0x00000000 p:0xFFFFEFFF
reserved i:0x00000000 i:0xFFFFEFFF

reserved v:0x100000000 v:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
reserved p:0x100000000 p:0xFFFFFFFFF
reserved i:0x100000000 i:0xFFFFFFFFF

translate v:0x00000000FFFFF000 i:0x00FFFFF000 0x00001000

AutoEnableTranslations true

Because vxworks bootrom for Qoriq flash address locate at 0xFF000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF,

and Uboot's flash address is at 0xEFFF0000- 0xEFFFFFFF.


How to setup the initial script file to debug vxworks bootrom in codewarrior?

do your boot boot, initial loader comes up ?

Hello yipingwang,

Kindly include code in uboot where CONFIG_SYS_NAND_CSOR_EXT is used. Thanks much.



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Last update:
‎11-23-2016 12:33 AM
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