lwIP throughput

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lwIP throughput

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by bsp2020 on Fri May 31 16:32:22 MST 2013


I'm trying to improve lwIP through put on Diolan LPC4357-DB1-C and not having much luck. Can some one help me?

I'm currently using LPCXpresso v5.2.4 and lpcopen v1.03. I modified lpc43xx_hitex_eva_4350_tcpecho_freertos to work on Diolan board and and currently getting about 850KB/s throughput. I'm using 1.25KB packet to and from the target device. This is very slow compared to 95.0 Mbits/sec reported in this site. What do I need to do to make it perform better?

I'm already using MEM_USE_POOLS and disabled most of debug options. What configuration did you guys use to get the kind of performance you report at (<a href="http://www.lpcware.com/content/project/lightweight-ip-lwip-networking-stack/lpcopen-lwip-benchmarkin...">http://www.lpcware.com/content/project/lightweight-ip-lwip-networking-stack/lpcopen-lwip-benchmarkin...</a>)?

Is there a guide to configuring lwIP with FreeRTOS that will give me maximum performance? As a comparision, my old platform which uses PPC405 GP gets 2MB/s running the same test. I was expecting LPC4357 to be much faster than PPC405 GP.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by bsp2020 on Fri May 31 17:46:36 MST 2013

I did some more debugging and found even when I force the ethernet to work at 10Mbit/s (write 0 to MAC_CONFIG.FES)  , I get the same throughput. It seems that the ethernet is stuck operating at 10Mbit/s no matter what. Can some one help me figure this out?



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