Content originally posted in LPCWare by zepedrowdp on Wed Apr 09 10:07:28 MST 2014
Seems like most of the definitions and functions present on LPC17xx.h are divided by a couple of different .h files on LPCOpen CMSIS (cmsis_175x_6x.h, chip_lpc175x_6x.h, etc...).
If I'm thinking right, all of these files are included on the file chip.h.
Is it advisable for me to replace LPC177x_8x.h for chip.h and hope to end up with the same result, or should I just disregard LPCOpen CMSIS and use the CMSIS that comes on LPCXpresso Examples folder?
I'm still uncertain about the system_LPC177x.c and .h, but I guess including chip.h might solve this too...
What do you think?