If you try to compile with these libraries, many error like the following will be reported:
Error: L6366E: GUIAA_Char2.o attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
Object GUIAA_Char2.o contains Build Attributes that are incompatible with the CPU attributes.
Tag_CPU_arch = ARM v7E-M (=13)
This happens because the library compilation target is a Cortex M4.
In the old emWin library packages there were different compilations for the different cortex architectures used by NXP.
The following link is in the emWin section of the NXP website:
Segger emWin 5.38 Libraries and Utilities for NXP Cortex M3/M4 MCUs
Is it possible to include at least the compilation for Cortex M3 and M4 as declared?
Thank you
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