Content originally posted in LPCWare by R D on Mon May 18 05:58:04 MST 2015
I'm trying to provide different clock source to PLL ie RTC,WDOSC,CLKIN but always end up in PLL configure error DEBUGOUT("PLL config error %d\r\n", pllError); error code is always 1 or 3. either pll request is low or pll ip is low.
any examples or light on this is appreciated.
From the user manual, you can get that the PLL can choose :irc_clk, CLKIN, 32K_clk, if you don't want to use irc_clk, you can use CLKIN, 32_clk, and make sure it is in the PLL input clock range.
About the sample code, you can refer to the LPC54102 LPCopen code:
LPCOpen Software for LPC5411X|NXP
Wish it helps you!
If you still have question, please let me know!
Have a great day,
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I've fed RTC to PLL before on LPC54102.
When I set clock rate in board.h to 32768000 Hz, it works.
However, PLL will spend like 4 minutes to search for the right frequency and LOCK.
After that, the code works normally.
But 4 minutes is not practical, I'm looking into the solution.