Now Available: LPCXpresso for MAC OS X
09:55 AM

NXP Employee
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Content originally posted in LPCWare by on Thu Jul 12 16:08:23 MST 2012
<h1 id="post_message_17662"><strong><strong>NXP announces LPCXpresso for MAC OS X</strong></strong></h1>
<h1 id="post_message_17662"><strong><strong>NXP announces LPCXpresso for MAC OS X</strong></strong></h1>
In response to the high volume of user requests, NXP and Code Red are proud to announce the immediate availability of LPCXpresso for Mac OS X. Combined with the existing Windows and Linux support, this makes LPCXpresso a true multi-platform development environment.
To download and for more information, visit: <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></a>
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