Mikrobus interrupts target connection

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Mikrobus interrupts target connection

Contributor II

Hi all,


I am working on a project with the lpcxpresso55s16-evk. I am using the gsm/gnss 2 click expansion card from MikroE. After clicking this in, I cannot connect to the target nor debug. I know that the expansion slot shares the UART with the target, but is there any way to make this work while it is connected? e.g. with the jumper configuration? I was looking into the documentation, but no luck.


Kind regards

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi BerkantCiftci2001 

We never use/test gsm/gnss 2 click expansion card  thus we can't reproduce your issue.

I just you try external debug probe for example MCU-Link for test. It uses SWD interface.

Have a nice day,

Jun Zhang

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