Hi, I'm working with MCUXpresso and LPC54102 dual core microcontroller. I used the MCUXpresso Config Tools in order to set the PINOUT, PWM module and the ADC converter. GPIO and PWM seems to work propertly but I think there is a bug in the Config Tools ADC Converter configuration.
I have configured the ADC Converter by MCUXpresso Config Tools and I have generate the peripherals.c and .h files. After that I tried the ADC configuration in Debug mode but the ADC seems to be dead.... After several tests I found that the following parameters: VDDA, VREFP and ADC0 are in power down mode and the ADC0 has not clocked.
In order to fix the bug I had to add manually the following code before the BOARD_InitBootPeripherals():
After that the ADC converter starts to work.
Since the Config Tools let to configure the peripheral of the microcontroller I thought it was handled by him. Is this my misteke or there is a bug in the Config Tools?
Congratulation anyway for the convenience of this tool.
Hello eu_mtaverna,
Yes, we need add these code manually, configure tool can not generate these code so far.