Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Sun Oct 19 13:29:08 MST 2014
Selecting the processor in the IDE does little more than define the memory map and instruction set to generate for, when building. If you provide the right libraries you can compile any code whatsoever. The code will compile whatever you specify.
Yes, an 812 and 824 are different chips... Why not read the user guides and find out for yourself?
It is highly unlikely that you fried the chip, you just need to get ISP active. I would guess that the clock setup is wrong and that is stopping the chip from running. If you can't get it working, throw it away and get another one, but don't run code for a different chip on it. 81x and 82x are different branches of the same family. They are similar but not completly compatible, as you have discovere the hard way.