I have an LPC1115 development board and can debug and upload code as you would expect.
I can disconnect a debug session and the code is running.
If I unplug the MCU in again it will not run the code. It lights the on board rgb LED a color (not sure if if its the same color each time, I think it is).
Here is the project repo.
We have never been able to get the board to power on and run the code. This is a big deal. Does the processor need to be reset? Or is the code not uploaded properly?
Running Windows 10 MCUExpresso IDE Latest version
Running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS MCUExpresso IDE Latest version
Thank you!
It looks like you are using the Semihost library variant - this requires a debugger connection. Suggest you change to a NoHost library:
Some one else mentioned about flash and ram and that the linker/loader I Was using was putting it at ram and not flash, I do not believe this is the case. I didn't notice your links you provided. I will hopefully get access to the board soon to try again.
thank you. This is still open. converse