How to add GNU Toolchains to existing MCUXPresso Toolchains?

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How to add GNU Toolchains to existing MCUXPresso Toolchains?

Contributor II

So I have been using MCUXPresso toolchains with the IDE. So far so good.

But in long run I don't really like the eclipse based IDE in this toolchains.

So I want to add GNU toolchains, so to compile the code either with Makefile or CMake using GNU ARM cross compiler and I can use my own favorite editor like VS code or Vim. And in future to setup Continous Integration 9CI). How can I achieve this?



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3 返答(返信)

Senior Contributor III

How about that ?



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Contributor II

Thanks for the response, I tried, it generated the Makefile. But when I run it, it fails. Have you tried this before?

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Senior Contributor III

No, I haven't tried that.

I either use the IDE and the "integrated" project management, or I used plain make files from the command line. The latter is not very difficult especially for smaller or mid-sized projects. There are plenty of make tutorials around on the web.

Commercial users pay 4-digit prices for licenses (like my company), so they rarely change the toolchain/IDE. In that environment, it makes sense to stick to the IDE's proprietary project management and build process.

This "makefile project" is a feature of the underlying Eclipse, and not MCUXpresso specific. I have seen tutorials for that as well, but never had the need for such a "hybrid" project.

> But when I run it, it fails.

What, exactly ?

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