Flash File system on Nand Flash memory LPC1788

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Flash File system on Nand Flash memory LPC1788

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by madD7 on Tue Jun 11 21:41:22 MST 2013

I want to implement Flash File system (or any other file system) on Nand Flash memory.

Controller: LPC1788

Tool Chain: Keil

NAND Flash: Samsung K9F1G08U0C - 1Gb

I tried to search the Keil\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Drivers for Nand Flash drivers (I had used the SPI Flash drivers for LPC1768 form this folder).

But, Nand Flash drivers of LPC1788 are not available. So i thought of building my own drivers using the LPC247x drivers as reference.

I also have external (256Mb) SDRAMs interfaced with the board, and is working fine.

The questions are:

1. can i interface both the memories together?

2. What is Address Mirror? (User Manual doesnt elaborate the topic. Could not find anything relevant on google also)

3. Will i have to reinitialise (or change the settings) of EMC registers, everytime i switch the access between SDRAM or Nand Flash? (Thus, i write the drivers accordingly)

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12 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by javad on Tue May 26 03:37:59 MST 2015
Hi, I have`nt any problem in initialize and congif  Nand Flash K9F1G08U0C But i Can`t Format it By FAT32.....
does Anyone khnow How I can Format if via FAT32????????????????
I use The Same Sample Code That Share in This page But Can`t Format Nand Flash...... The fformat Function Return 1 Value....
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by DanMc on Fri Feb 28 12:05:00 MST 2014
I found the spec there in the directory with the demo code....
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by DanMc on Fri Feb 28 12:01:33 MST 2014
Hello Rider,
I am working on a project that uses an LPC4078 and we will be using Keil's FlashFS with the NAND-Flash Translation Layer.  We have the Embedded Artists LPC4088 OEM demo board with the matching baseboard.  At this point, I have the simple NXP NAND flash demo working.  However, this simple demo doesn't have wear-levelling, bad block handling, or ECC.  The next step is to merge in Keil's LPC2400 NAND demo which does use their drivers.  And, yes, we will be using RTX.

You're a few steps ahead of me, maybe I'll catch up.  Right now I'm trying to find a spec for the K9F1G08U0C flash chip on the EA board, that's how I found this thread!!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by DanMc on Fri Feb 28 12:01:20 MST 2014
Hello Rider,
I am working on a project that uses an LPC4078 and we will be using Keil's FlashFS with the NAND-Flash Translation Layer.  We have the Embedded Artists LPC4088 OEM demo board with the matching baseboard.  At this point, I have the simple NXP NAND flash demo working.  However, this simple demo doesn't have wear-levelling, bad block handling, or ECC.  The next step is to merge in Keil's LPC2400 NAND demo which does use their drivers.  And, yes, we will be using RTX.

You're a few steps ahead of me, maybe I'll catch up.  Right now I'm trying to find a spec for the K9F1G08U0C flash chip on the EA board, that's how I found this thread!!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rider on Mon Feb 24 05:38:26 MST 2014
Did somebody tested Keil FlashFS FAT with NAND for few days?

I run it without OS and have a problem with that file system. After some time of working (sometimes 5 min, somethimes few hours) system cannot open any file (fopen return NULL pointer) and when I call finit again everything is working fine for some time.
I tested number of open files and I have only one file opened at a time and when finish reading (Read Only system) file is always closed with fclose.
I tried to expand stack and heap memory but this wont help.

Did somebody experience that?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rocketdawg on Mon Nov 11 09:22:08 MST 2013
probably others as well.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Sun Nov 10 01:40:43 MST 2013
Thanks Dhaval,
I did manage to interface NAND flash to LPC1788 (customized board). But the question is now how to create a file system? If you have any tutorial or i heard that NXP provides the file system for LPC1788 ...but i really dont know where it is.....Please help me guys!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by beyondhyq on Fri Oct 18 19:46:59 MST 2013
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by beyondhyq on Fri Oct 18 19:42:12 MST 2013
Thank you for providing the source code , as the people upstairs mentioning compilation errors , mainly src n inc \ lpc177x_8x_uart.c (1098): error: # 136: struct "<unnamed>" has no field "ICR", because the header file is not the same, namely LPC177x_8x.h
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Thu Aug 08 00:30:34 MST 2013
Thanks Dhawal, I appreciate your efforts. I have downloaded this package and tried to compile, there is some error...will try at late evening ....Thanks!!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by madD7 on Wed Aug 07 04:44:37 MST 2013
verify the read, write and erase cycles for nand flash memory. if these routines work properly, only then the file system can be implemented on the LPC1788.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by madD7 on Wed Jun 26 23:00:50 MST 2013

The attached doc file will help understanding the interfacing and the sample code to read the nand flash id.

Hope this helps.