Can't load LPC802 SDK ADC demo code due to Flash memory overflow

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Can't load LPC802 SDK ADC demo code due to Flash memory overflow

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Senior Contributor I


I can't load LPC802 SDK ADC demo code due to Flash memory overflow. That is the message displayed after code building:


If I set Build Configuration to Release, I can load it, but I can't debug the code.

Did anybody experience the same?

Thanks and best regards,

Marco Coelho

DFAE - Siletec Eletronica

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Marco Aurelio P. Coelho ,

Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and 
for the opportunity to serve you.
I can do it( Figure 1), the ADC demo can work with OM40000 board and MCUXpresso version is MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.0.
Have a great day,


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Senior Contributor I

Dear jeremyzhou,

Well, that's intriguing to say the least!

How to explain that the same demo project causes memory overflow on my side and it doesn't on yours?

Have you set code size optimization?

My MCUXpresso version is 10.1.0, but that shouldn't cause such a issue.

I will install MCUXpresso v. 10.2.0 and try again.

Best regards,

Marco Coelho

DFAE - Siletec Eletronica

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1,713 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Marco Aurelio P. Coelho,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, it's interesting, I didn't do some optimization setting.
Have a great day,

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1,713 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hello, jeremyzhou

I just made a test in MCUXpresso v. 10.2.0 and the Flash memory overflow error went away! Incredible!

Well, I hope there is a patch or service pack in development to fix this problem in MCUXpresso v. 10.1.0. But, for me, I will use the most up-to-date version and it is all right!

Thanks and have a great day!

Marco Coelho  

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