Generating phase-shift PWM signal with SCTimer/PWM module

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Generating phase-shift PWM signal with SCTimer/PWM module

Generating phase-shift PWM signal with SCTimer/PWM module

The documentation discusses how to generate phase-shift PWM signals based on SCTimer/PWM module, the code is developed based on MCUXpresso IDE version 10.3 and LPCXpresso5411x board.

The LPC family has SCTimer/PWM module and CTimer modules, both of them can generate PWM signals, but only the SCTimer/PWM module  can generate phase-shift PWM signals.

In the code, only the match registers are used to generate events, I/O signals are not used. 

The match0 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100), which determines the PWM signal frequency.

The the match1 register is set up as 0x00, which generate event1.

The the match2 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100)/2;, which generate event2.

The duty cycle is (SystemCoreClock/100)/2-0x00= (SystemCoreClock/100)/2, which is 50% duty cycle, the cycle time is (SystemCoreClock/100).

The event1 sets the SCT0_OUT1, event2 clears the SCT0_OUT1, so SCT0_OUT1 has 50% duty cycle.

The the match3 register is set up as (SystemCoreClock/100)/4;, which generate even3.

The the match4 register is set up as 3*(SystemCoreClock/100)/4, which generate event4.

The duty cycle is 3*(SystemCoreClock/100)/4  -  (SystemCoreClock/100)/4= (SystemCoreClock/100)/2, which is 50% duty cycle.

The event3 sets the SCT0_OUT2, event4 clears the SCT0_OUT2, so SCT0_OUT2 has 50% duty cycle.

The phase shift is (SystemCoreClock/100)/4 - 0x00= (SystemCoreClock/100)/4, which corresponds 90 degree phase shift.

PWM initilization code:

//The SCT0_OUT1 can output PWM signal with 50 duty cycle from PIO0_8 pin
//The SCT_OUT2 can output PWM signal with 50 duty cycle fron PIO0_9 pin
//The SCT0_OUT1 and SCT0_OUT2 PWM signal has 90 degree phase shift.

void SCT0_PWM(void)
    SYSCON->AHBCLKCTRL[1]|=(1<<2); //SET SCT0 bit
    SCT0->CONFIG = (1 << 0) | (1 << 17); // unified 32-bit timer, auto limit
    SCT0->SCTMATCHREL[0] = SystemCoreClock/100; // match 0 @ 100 Hz = 10 msec
    SCT0->EVENT[0].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 0 happens in all states

    //set event1
    SCT0->EVENT[1].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 1 happens in all states
    SCT0->EVENT[1].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(1<<0); // match 1 condition only

    //set event2
    SCT0->EVENT[2].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 2 happens in all states
    SCT0->EVENT[2].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(2<<0); // match 2 condition only

    //set event3
    SCT0->EVENT[3].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 3 happens in all states
    SCT0->EVENT[3].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(3<<0); // match 3 condition only

    //set event4
    SCT0->EVENT[4].STATE = 0xFFFFFFFF; // event 4 happens in all states
    SCT0->EVENT[4].CTRL = (1 << 12)|(4<<0); // match 4 condition only

    //PWM output1 signal
    SCT0->OUT[1].SET = (1 << 1); // event 1 will set SCT1_OUT0
    SCT0->OUT[1].CLR = (1 << 2); // event 2 will clear SCT1_OUT0
    SCT0->RES |= (3 << 2); // output 0 toggles on conflict

    //PWM output2 signal
    SCT0->OUT[2].SET = (1 << 3); // event 3 will set SCT1_OUT0
    SCT0->OUT[2].CLR = (1 << 4); // event 4 will clear SCT1_OUT0
    SCT0->RES = (3 << 4); // output 0 toggles on conflict

    //PWM start
    SCT0->CTRL &= ~(1 << 2); // unhalt by clearing bit 2 of the CTRL

Pin initialization code:


void SCTimerPinInit(void)
    //Enable the     SCTimer clock
    SYSCON->AHBCLKCTRL[0]|=(1<<13); //set IOCON bit

    //SCTimer pin assignment



Main Code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "peripherals.h"
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#include "LPC54114_cm4.h"

void SCT0_Init(void);
void SCTimerPinInit(void);
void P1_9_GPIO(void);
void SCT0_PWM(void);

int main(void) {
      /* Init board hardware. */

    printf("Hello World\n");
   // SCT0_Init();
   // P1_9_GPIO();

    /* Force the counter to be placed into memory. */
    volatile static int i = 0 ;
    /* Enter an infinite loop, just incrementing a counter. */
    while(1) {
        i++ ;
    return 0 ;


The Yellow channel is PIO0_8 pin output signal, which is SCT0_OUT1 PWM output signal.

The Bule channel is PIO0_9 pin output signal, which is SCT0_OUT2 PWM output signal.

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Version history
Last update:
‎07-24-2019 01:41 AM
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