I' use KDS 3.2 with SDKv2.0 and 2.2 since they exist
Now I'm trying to make a new project with KSDKv2.3 for KL27Z128
File->new->kinetis SDK v2.x Project
I select KL27Z128, All drivers, Freertos...and there surprise :
@unknown type name 'mcg_config_t' clock_config.h (extern const mcg_config_t mcgConfig_BOARD_BootClockRUN;)
But where is this definition ? (A search of the entire folder SDK_2.3.0_MKL27Z128xxx4 only finds mcg_config_t in two files clock_config.h and clock_config.c ; no definition of mcg_config_t !?! )
Thanks in advance, I'm totally blocked by this thing
In addition to that with version 2.3 the import of a demo does not work (no demo proposal in the wizard and import->Existing Projects into Workspace give an invalid project with any source file in project folder )
It's sad that it's so complicated to create a project or open a demo :-(
Was there any conclusion made here? The project templates for the kl27z seem to reference mcg_config_t in the latest v2.3.1 sdk but only the mcglite_config_t is present.
Please urgent rectification is required.
Hi Joshua:
I checked sdkv2.3.1 (SDK_2.3.1_FRDM-KL27Z) and sdkv2.4 , only found the mcglite_config_t, where did you find the mcg_config_t ?
Hi Daniel,
Please check under devices\MKL27Z4\project_template.
clock_config.c should make reference to mcg_config_t here.
Hi Joshua:
The project templates should reference to mcglite_config_t, maybe there is an errori n SDK2.3.
You mean an error in SDK 2.3.1. The project templates don't reference
The project templates in new SDK 2.4 use mcglite_config_t. Not mcg_config_t.
MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual: Clock Driver
no mcg_confi_t struct here in my folder SDK_2.3.0_MKL27Z128xxx4.
http://mcuxpresso.nxp.com/api_doc/dev/210/fsl__clock_8h.html (give 404 error)