I'm also interrested in some information, and more specifically the SMAC layer for the MKW2x device. Those devices are with SDK2.0, but not the smac layer. When could we expect this?
Matthieu Remacle
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Hi Matthieu,
Factory responded to me with:
SMAC on KW2xD will be support by KSDK 2.0 in the next GA (General Availability) release targeted for mid-Dec.
Thanks a lot for your answer!
Do you think it would be possible to get a beta version of some sort? We need to start a new product, and I would love to use the KDSK 2.0...
I will make request.
I expect answer early next week.
Do you have any news regarding the release of the kit? I've been looking on the mkw2 page, and the connectivity solution is not updated...
Thanks again for the request :smileyhappy: Did you have any information?