Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual Rev.0 - the worst documentation I've ever seen !!!

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Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual Rev.0 - the worst documentation I've ever seen !!!

Contributor I

Hello Freescale (or rather NXP) !


I've got impression, that the chapters in Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual.pdf  Rev.0 are mixed following the Monte Carlo principle !


Some examples:


You open Reset Control Module (RCM) and you land in Chapter 61 and 61.1 Overview of the module (it's OK).

But §61.2 is already SAI HAL driver - what a surprise!!

Chapter 61.5,6, etc. deal with SD card SPI and so on, and so on...


Similarly §64 deals with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)  but §64.2.1 talks about Signed Integer Operands in MMAU.


If you need details of SPI driver enumerations, you have to go (it is of course clear to everybody) to §13 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).

There you find not only DSPI drivers (§13.8, 13.9, 13.10, 13.11) - but - what a luck ! - also details on DMA drivers and DAC drivers.


This means, everybody should simply read briefly all 2861 pages and make notes on where you can find what.


Additionally, working with KDS and KSDK is a horror:


- KDS 3.0.0 & KSDK 1.2.0 - no support for TWRK60D100 (only Code Warrior code)
    import of "Hello word" demo (CW) into KDS resulted in endless build-errors


- KDS 3.0.0 & KSDK 1.2.0 - is better already, if we forget Kinetis SDK v.1.3 API Reference Manual,
   but the simple "Hello word" demo for TWRK60D100 does not work if you switch to interrupt mode due to false definitions !!


I'm really thinking about changing the platform.


I'm happy, the weekend is coming, so I can get a distance to KDS stuff...

have a great weekend




maybe it would be better to offer less microcontroller types but better documentation ???

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Thanks for the feedback on the Kinetis SDK v1.3 API Reference Manual. There was an issue with the organization of the topics that resulted in the poor doc and poor experience you described.  We have taken action to fix the issue and have produced Revision 1 of the KSDK v1.3 API RM.  It can be found online here:



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


thank you for your feedback. I will pass it to our development team.

But I would like to comment some of your points.

  1. KSDK .1.2 and KDS 3.0 supports TWR-K60D100M (Rev. B).
  2. All KSDK demos are tested and compiled under several development tools as KDS, IAR, Keil, makefiles support with GCC and Atollic.

Best Regards,


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Contributor I

Hello Iva,

after Installation of KSDK 1.3 I've followed the steps described in the document

Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt

I've thought, that it's a fine point to start with (gpio, interrups, uart..)

Some screens were different as shown in the docu (maybe because of changes v1.2 -> v1.3) - but OK - there is no perfect doc !

I've copied the code into main.c (exactly as described on page 13!) - build with no problems - fine - I was totally surprized!

But the demo didn't work !!

So I've tried in configuration with  #define GPIO_INTERRUPT 0 -  it worked !

Analysis of schematics of the TWR-K60D100M gave, that SW2 is on PORTE (PTE26) and so:

a) switchPins[1] and not [0] should be used

b) void PORTC_IRQHandler() shall be replaced by PORTE_IRQHandler()

Even when someone would like to work with SW1 (despite prinf() says "Press SW2 to Toggle LED."), one should

replace void PORTC_IRQHandler() by PORTA_IRQHandler(), as SW1 is connected to PORTA (PTA19).

Today I've found out, that the demos which come with KSDK1.3 work OK.

    (in \Freescale\KSDK_1.3.0\examples\twrk60d100m\demo_apps)

So the question is what for does NXP annoy People with docs like

Writing my first KSDK Application in KDS - Hello World and GPIO Interrupt ????

best regards


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