Hi team,
I've used example project - evkmimxrt1064_flexio_pwm - for iMX RT1064 EVK board. The pin config tool is shown as below, where FLEXIO2 - pin 5 is used for PWM.
similarlt, for the twrkm35z75m_afe_polling example project - in twrkm35z75m board, the pin config tool is shown as below:
You can see both the project compiles without any error - yet the PWM pin mapping is done perfectly in iMX board, while AFE pin mapping is not done in pin config tool. Why is it so?
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Hello @GanesanGuru,
If you search for the AFE pins in ConfigTools you might see them in grey. That means those pins do not need to be routed because these pins are AFE dedicated and routed by default. So, there is no need to do a pin initialization. As a matter of fact, if you click on those pins to route the signal, you will not see a change in the code of the pin_mux.c
[afe_polling_example in Pins Tool of ConfigTools]
Kind regards, Raul.
Hello @GanesanGuru,
If you search for the AFE pins in ConfigTools you might see them in grey. That means those pins do not need to be routed because these pins are AFE dedicated and routed by default. So, there is no need to do a pin initialization. As a matter of fact, if you click on those pins to route the signal, you will not see a change in the code of the pin_mux.c
[afe_polling_example in Pins Tool of ConfigTools]
Kind regards, Raul.